Thursday, April 16, 2015

Where Are You?

"The Lord called Adam (in the garden) and said to him, "Where are you?" - Genesis 3:9

Sometimes its the simple and little questions that are the hardest to answer.  God still asks the haunting question, "Where are You? and we keep stuttering.  Why are we not in God's garden of perfect love?  Why do we continue to hide from God and others?  Why can't I speak my secret sins out loud to others?  Why do I keep finding discontentment in my search for contentment?  Out of the silence these words arise from within:

Who pilots your soul?
Which direction does your life flow?
How far have you progressed on this journey of faith?
Have you entered into God's holy gate?

Are you building your life on wood, stubble, and sand?
Do you have a solid place to stand?
Are your thoughts constantly filled with disturbance?
Can you feel the wind of God's turbulence?

Have you arrived at the place of rest?
Or are you exhausted and can't catch your breath?
When grace arrives, all becomes still,
for all the doors of heaven are opened by His will.
I saw myself disappear in a world of fear and pain,
only to suddenly discover one word from God takes it all for my gain.

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