Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Guest

"I'm afraid I haven't been fully honest with you"  -  David Collins from the movie "The Guest"

I do not watch many suspense horror movies but occasionally I do.  I rarely like this genre but I was happily surprised by this thriller action movie called The Guest.  It is about a soldier who visits a sleepy town and then the bodies start turning up.  I don't believe I have ever encountered the actor Dan Stevens before who played the stranger who is invited into a home of a dysfunctional family.  He is both engaging and scary, hypnotizing and brilliant.

Dan Stevens plays David Collins who actually starts helping this family with their many problems.  It actually looks like things are getting better when all the sudden crazy things start happening like the Dad's boss is found dead which means a job promotion.  Dan helps the youngest brother with bullying and the older sister with boyfriend troubles.  The Mom is helped the most in the grief and loss of her own son where David is like a link to their son who is now forever gone.

There is a kind of warning given in this movie of be careful who you invite into your home.  Our soul is a kind of home and we also invite guests into our soul whether friendly or not.  There are dark quests that hide their shadow side and try to enlarge our ego and attract our lower desires.  Then there is the guest of God's presence who gently enters our soul and calls us His own.  In one moment, the King arrives and the Bride finally realizes this is the one I have been waiting for all my life.  The King discloses Himself and the bride is lost in ecstasy.

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