Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thoughts from a Warrior Poet

"The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall." (Psalm 18:28-29)

David was a man after God's own heart.  He was also a warrior and an poet.  If there is something God wants more today are people who have a heart after God like David.  Despite David's weaknesses and failures, God used him in mighty ways.  David was a man who was often armed for battle and was on the frontlines of the battlefield.  David was also a songwriter and a poet.  Some of his greatest psalms were written during dire and uncomfortable situations.

God is still looking for warrior poets.  People so sensitive to their own sinfulness and sensitive to the God's Spirit promptings that they don't hesitate when God reveals and breathes on them.  To be a warrior poet is to be a man or woman who posses a sanctified imagination that takes flight like and soars like Eagles.  To be a warrior poet to dream God's dreams and have visions of the greatness of God.  Where God so invades one's heart that one seems possessed by another world.

We are to live in God, breath in God, and sense God's greatness.  Even though God may seem hidden at times God is also everywhere.  Can we like King David read the Scriptures, sing the psalms, and get so lost in worship that heaven seems closer than earth?  Even ours prayers are utterly dependent upon God for we can do nothing without Him and Him alone.  What is difficult for us is easy for God.  What is impossible with man is possible with God.  It is only when God opens our spiritual eyes that we can truly see.  It is only when God removes the veil over our heart that we can truly receive God's all sufficient grace for the moment.

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