Saturday, May 23, 2015

Theology as Poetry: Part 2

Christian theology as poetry is a spiritual awakening not just to God but to oneself.  God through His spiritual DNA gives intuitive gifts that work with His Spirit that leads to spiritual contemplation.  The soul may have always had these latent gifts from the beginning or from a spiritual awakening, a poetic instinct comes alive through the mystical experience.  One sees heaven, creation, God, people, and Scripture in a new light.  What was once hidden is revealed or what was always there is now seen as if for the first time.

Like a blind man coming out of a cave only to see the world for the first time in all its splendid glory, light, colors, and beauty.  This is a poetry of experience and a poetry of knowledge all converging together into one harmonic song.  Secrets become revelations and the obscure still shrouded in mystery becomes personal and full of ecstasy.  Like a person who could never understand or really "see" art, so the mystical theologian still sees in part and knows in part, but in a deeper more personal way of knowing.  The objects and the world around did not change but the way one knows has been transformed.

There is no theological poetry without mystical experience and no mystical experience that stirs the poetic imagination.  The world becomes a sacrament of holy fire and human vision is changed by a vision whose source is the Spirit of the living God.  A kind of mystical death takes place where pride gives way to humility and self gives way to God's abiding presence.  One still seeks God but one is also possessed by God all at the same time in the eternal now.  Time itself has been transformed from chronological time to time that has no end.

This poetic knowledge is not just speculative or rational but experiential and incarnational at its core.  One does not leave this world for another world but becomes more firmly rooted into being an agent of change as God's kingdom collides with the powers and energies of this dark world.  The soul sleeps in the rest and presence of God as it is fully awake to all of creation.  Mystical death and life, crucifixion and resurrection, all join together as heaven and earth join as one in mystic marriage to the Messiah bridegroom.

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