Sunday, May 24, 2015

Spiritual Mapping Or Unlocking Your Spiritual DNA

We are exploring the vast universe with its many stars and galaxies and still just beginning to understand a little of the great universe around us.  We are probing the small world of microbiology and DNA genetic coding and learning how detailed and wonderful is the universe inside us.  As one who tries to understand both history and faith, I am trying to understand my own roots and Christian history.

I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church for my Grandfather who died before I was born was a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This had a great influence on my Dad who raised me in that church tradition.  I have been drawn to the independent Christian church for years and finally after seminary became a Christian church pastor.  Leaving my Baptist tradition for another tradition was an agonizing and difficult process.  What I have since discovered is the Stone Campbell movement started from an America revival in the Midwest.  The Midwest is still where I have my roots and although my long term roots is German, I was born and have lived as an American my whole life.

The Cain-Ridge revival in southern Kentucky is where the whole Restoration Movement began.  It was where Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists were looking for simple Christianity without all the divisive issues over creeds and denominationalism.  A movement was born that was American and independent through and through.  Strangely as I have gotten older, Presbyterians and Methodists have become some of my closest friends as well as my Baptist brothers.  Spiritual connections and roots run deep.

My spiritual DNA is hotwired for a deep love of God's Word and to see visible Christian unity among God's broken and divided family.  One could say this is my Restoration roots coming to the surface but it goes down much deeper.  I am German and I have discovered several hundred years ago, western Rhineland mysticism was born.  Great German mystics like Meister Eckhart, Henry Suso, the Gertrudes and Methchilds influenced German people spiritually.  The contemplative mystical tradition was set in motion where one soul yearns to be one with God and God's creation.  This burns so deep inside of me I can hardly speak about it.

St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland with a strong Celtic brand of Christianity that also influenced German Christians early on.  My birthday is November 16 which is the day one celebrates St. Gertrude the Great.  German Rhineland mysticism is in my blood and historical roots as well a Celtic Christianity.  One can even go back farther and wonder which early Jewish Christians went about Europe and abroad as missionaries for God?  The twelve tribes of Israel have gone to the four corners of the globe and we still follow the spiritual bloodline of either the righteousness of Abel or the unrighteousness of Cain.  Spiritual bloodlines and our genealogy runs not only in our blood and DNA but our spiritual DNA and birthright is in Christ and the Holy Spirit DNA that imprints every Christ follower.

God has hotwired you to love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37).  We may be strongly influenced in one of these direction over the other but God wants us to approach him with all we have and not just our own preferences or what we are familiar with in how we do things. 

Heart spirituality is centered in gratitude
Soul spirituality is centered in contemplation
Mind spirituality is centered in awareness
Strength spirituality is centered in contentment

Let us approach God humbly and with fear and trembling "for our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29).

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