Sunday, May 3, 2015

Beautiful Day

I spent several hours yesterday at our local Christian nursing home.  Here is a place that is filled with both chaos and peace, confusion and lucidity, disability and youthful zeal.  I love seniors who are often the forgotten generation.  Here are people who live and love and care for others as they are cared for by others.  Here are people who hurt and sing, who complain and praise.  Here are forgotten heroes of yesterday.

I pushed one joyful saint around in the sun.  The wind was in her hair and the sun shined on her face.  But her face was filled with radiant love as she looked up to the heavens and swung her arms about like a little girl and shouted, "What a beautiful day, what a beautiful day, what a beautiful day."  There was not a cloud in the sky but if there would have been, it would have hid in the brightness of this ninety seven year old saint.

We keep looking outward for something to bring us peace and happiness but the joy-filled life keeps staring us right in the face for those who have eyes to see.  Heaven is hiding in view but we think its some far away dream land that must wait until the soul leaves the body before we can experience it.  I am reminded on this Lord's Day of this wild lover of God who has not forgotten who she is or whose she is in the sight of God.  Laughter is for the redeemed and not just wide eyed children.

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