Monday, May 11, 2015

The Awakened Self

"Wake up O Sleeper" (Ephesians 5:14)

The world has been drifting asleep for too long.  Christians claim they are awake but so many seem to be half asleep which is not fully awake.  We center life on our knowing self.  On "I" and see the world as mere objects to gaze upon with our physical eyes.  We are like spiritually blind people bumping into the world and bumping into other people without really seeing them.  How can we?  We don't even really see ourselves.

There are spiritual energies flowing out of people both good and bad but we are unaware of this mystical flow of invisible powers.   When someone starts waking up, they become conscious of another reality beyond reality and they are driven consciously to rise above the confusion of the world and put away earthly cares.

One begins to look from a higher plane and feel a distance from the world while also feeling a deeper connectedness to it in a way not experienced before.  The mindset to fit in and be well thought of by everyone else is seen as a grand deception.  The cage door has now been opened and there is no going back.  Awareness is entering, entering through a crack in reality.

Awareness is an opening.  An opening where self is annihilated and Christ as Lord is magnificently magnified.  The door is Jesus whether one is conscious or unconscious of him.  When one walks through the door, one enters and participates in sweet communion.  Everything is the same and yet everything is different all at the same time.

The distance between heaven and earth has vanished.  One begins to now see and feel heaven on earth joined together like oneness in marriage.  Two distinct people yet one.  Harmony, union, and convergence connected together like the double DNA helix bonded molecularly or like the Divine Trinity holding the universe together.  Alienation and aloneness gives way to union and mystic communion.

One's senses are elevated above worldly delights to now delight in God's eternal all embracing presence.  One no longer thinks of heaven or hell or Christ's return as some external event which is yet unknown.  Christ is always returning.  Christ is always coming as a mystical revelation of an awakened soul in a sensory world.  Christ is always present to those who wake up.

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