Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Perfect Number

I had written before about how God has been using the number 111 and 1111 in my life.  God can use anything and can also work through numbers.  So here is my crazy last two day journey with these numbers.  Yesterday, I went to the nursing home to help with a birthday party for the residents.  There was one lady who could not come out so I took her birthday present to her room.  Her room number was 111. 

Later that night, my family decided to relax together and watch a comedy together.  Did I tell you that God has a sense of humor?  We watched the latest Dumb and Dumber movie.  Several times throughout the movie they made jokes about remembering the house number which was 1111.  Are you starting to see a pattern in all this?

Just recently a friend of mine who has done ministry with me called me to tell me he had a big revelation about the number 111.  It was the number of God squared.  So when I woke up this morning, I suddenly had my own revelation or illumination about the numbers 111 and 1111.  111 is the number of God which is 3 and 1111 is the number 4 which reminded me that on the fourth day of creation God created the material universe.  Now God wants to complete the spiritual universe and make us into a new creation.  Also notice how Jesus is the perfect man in 4 gospels.  3 + 4 = 7 and 7 is the number of perfection.  God is one, God is all in all, and God is perfect.

So later today I went to talk to a family where the man had lost his wife and the kids had lost a Mother.  At the end of the conversation, the man asked me if I could call his phone and leave him my phone number. When I opened my phone today, it was 11:11.  Then I went back to church to look at the text I am preaching on for Palm Sunday.  I have been preaching through the gospel of Mark and I am on Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Did I tell you God has a sense of humor?  The text begins at Mark 11:1 and ends with Mark 11:11.

Finally, I got ready to leave and go see a friend whose life has spiraled out of control.  I suddenly realized if there is a heavenly spiral, there is also a dark spiritual spiral of degradation.  So when I got into the car, it was 1:11.  God is with us all the time and God can even reveal this through numbers.  Did I tell you that God has a sense of humor?

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