Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hear My Prayer

Hear my prayer O Sovereign Lord,
Help me to know and understand the true state of my soul.
Keep my mind in hell but do not let me despair.
Keep my heart in your peace so that I may not lose hope.

You have buried my sins in the deepest ocean and I fear not for you are with me.
I cling to the cross and find my greatest pleasure is with you in the center there.
I am but dust and clay but you inhabit eternity.
Guide me Lord for I can not control myself.
Give me your Providence for I can not rule myself.
Give me grace to overcome every affliction of man and every attack from the enemy.

You have chosen me from eternity and I am completely yours.
You owe me nothing and I owe You everything.
You hold the stars in one hand and my life in your other hand.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Please take me to the cross and leave me there.
You are my hiding place and with you there is no distinction between light or darkness.

Take me to your secret place and let me dwell there.
Let my soul reside in the new Jerusalem on earth with you.
Make my life so hid with Christ that others do not see me anymore but only Him.
Everything I have is Yours O Lord so take it all.
There is no crown without the cross so let me savor always the beauty of the cross.
My life is in your hands God, do with it whatever you wish.

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