Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Prayer of a Wounded Soul

O inexhaustible Radiance,
You are forming my heart and wounding it with your Divine Love.
You are a gardener planting deep within me the secrets of heaven.
You are a builder constructing a cathedral within my soul.

O Bridegroom of my soul,
Search my heart and make it fruitful.
Cleanse my soul and bow and kiss me on the face.
Awaken my heart and chase away any darkness there.
Anoint my head with the oil of Your mercy.

Give me such a great vision of you that prideful self is annihilated.
The earth rumbles underneath and the heavens shake at Your Voice.
Your holy fire dazzles me and quenches my thirst.
You reveal the end from the beginning in the present moment.
You are concealed and hidden and revealed and manifested.

O Radiant dawn of my soul,
You and You alone attract my heart,
Illumine my soul,
Revive my spirit.
I dare to stay with You for I am lost without You.
I lift my eyes to heaven so I can truly see the earth around me.

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