Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Incarnate Word

One single circle embraces all spirit, and imprisons nothing . . . We can hardly perceive this higher and uncircumscribed unity of the universe  -  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The power of God's incarnate word penetrates matter itself.  The very heart of God unites all creation in the creative energies of Christ's incarnation.  The tide of God's presence showers the whole world.  We progress in the divine life through prayer, detachment, liturgy, and contemplation.  Each is like a movement of the Spirit on the creature to experience the all embracing work of incarnation.

Poverty of spirit and trembling love fill the atmosphere.  Mystical annihilation of pride and ego give way and bow before the divine center.  This transformation is interior or inward.  As the self is transformed, everything surrounding our being begins to be transfigured.  The wounds of the earth are healed by new sights and sounds of the rhythm of God's Spirit.

We witness our own funeral of fleshly decay to be raised up in the eternal light of the cross of Christ.  Everywhere we turn we behold heavenly fire that submerges everything into Jesus death reforming them into holy communion.  The hidden mystery of the suffering incarnation breaths abundant energies into the dark places of our little corner of the universe.  At this point one is immersed and changed all at the same time.  The selfishness that tries to drag us down into the abyss has lost its grip.  Now our life is aided by the work of the Holy Spirit in the grip of grace.

Like Moses on the mountain, we hide our face for fear of dying in the all consuming presence of God.  The chemistry of life and the physics of the universe now declare the glory of God.  The whole world is one in worship as doxology fills the air.  Death turns to resurrection and our destructive tendencies now look forward with upward gaze at the divine.  The ultimate point where all reality converges is God revealing himself everywhere.  God is both near and everywhere as the whole universe dances to the celestial song.

Where matter is the most dense and the soul the most deep is where these two meet and flow together in one great ocean of life.  In the end we discover the beginning and we arrive before the cosmic liturgy like little children.  Wonder fills our imagination and child-like humility burns deep within our hearts.  Suddenly the mystical Christ is everywhere and the whole universe radiates and is bathed in heavenly light.  The dazzling expansion and galaxies in the universe are a dim reflection to the hidden beauty reality of Christ.

Divine actions and energies are hidden deep within evolution and the human body which slowly shape and transform us from within and from around us.  The oscillating universe creates and preserves as it mysteriously moving everything forward and away from itself.  Everything is constantly moving towards the center in spiral motion and its center is the incarnate Christ.  The incarnation of Christ is concealed within us and flows with mighty cross currents throughout the whole universe.  Nothing can measure its vastness or witness its smallness as it touches everything in one universal embrace.  All of life suddenly becomes holy communion.

Energies and matter and rhythms of the Spirit flow together inside and outside of time and space. 

       *The greatness of God is unfathomable.
       *The love of God is inexhaustible.
       *The purity of God is incorruptible.
       *The immensity of God is incredible.

The kingdom of God is within us and the whole cosmic universe is clothed in Christ's glory.  The pathway of the Spirit is unknowable as it takes us through the cross of extravagant love and suffering and penetrates the marrow of our soul.  The richness and depths of this has no bounds since all of life and creation is a sacred gift.  A holy sacrament of the moment where the universe bows in worship to its mysterious host.  One is fully awake and fully alive to the welcoming presence who engulfs us in waves of divine power and energy and opens our eyes to this great cosmic liturgy.  One is ushered into silence and left utterly speechless.

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