Saturday, March 7, 2015

Last Days Revelation or What Time is it?

"Why do I wake up at 11:11 or keep seeing the number 11 11?"

Numbers have spiritual meaning and significance.  One does not have to read the Bible very far to see that there are many repeating symbolic important numbers like 3, 7, 10, 12, 40, and 70 and so forth.  God uses everything, including numbers.  I have been seeing the number 11:11 for years from road signs to the clock to the time left in a ball game to an amount on a receipt---the ways are endless.

Here are a few things that God has taught me with this special sequence of numbers.  There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and they equal the ONE true God (1-1-1-1).  I am amazed how numbers are spiritual pointers to greater truths that God possibly wants to teach us.  Just like the Divine mind wants to show us something like every time I see the number 1111 is like God saying to me, "I'm with you.  I'm taking care of you more than you can think or imagine."  I always have a rush of inner peace and God's presence when I see the number 1111.

After saying all this, be careful of people who want to read more into numbers than what is actually there.  Like how some people read things out of the Bible that is simply not there either.  Satan will masquerade as an angel of light and try to deceive people by taking something God is doing and turning it into something very different.  Now the numbers represent your angel or spirit guide or fill in the blank of man-made thoughts about religion.  The Scriptures tell us, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God" (1 John 4:1).

I wrote a book called Rabbinic Stories for the Christian Soul.  The book has forty chapters and there are three sets of twelve broken up by one set of four.  For those who have eyes and an imagination to see, every chapter in that book is related to a corresponding number of another chapter in the book.  This was done by the author, myself, on purpose. 

There may even be hidden numbers in the Bible we typically don't recognize because we simply don't look or think in these terms much less believe there is any real importance to structure and the way the numbers work out in the end.  I am currently reading Madam Guyon autobiography.  Her book is split into two parts with 28 chapters in the first part and 21 chapters in the second part.  If you add these two numbers together, you get 49.  Seven is the number of perfection and if you really wanted to perfect the number then square it.  Seven times seven is forty nine.  Accident?  Coincidence? Or written with this hidden spiritual pattern for those who have eyes to see and imaginations to contemplate it?

So when it comes to the number 11 11, I want to say it shouts "God is with you!"  Listen to how I apply the four gospels with the eleventh chapter and eleventh verse.

1.  Matthew 11:11 -  Jesus comes to tell you the truth that you are greater than you think!
2.  Mark 11:11 -  It was too late for the temple but its not too late for you.
3.  Luke 11:11 - God has wonderful gifts He wants to give you.
4.  John 11:11 -  Jesus wants to wake you up!

God is pointing us in these last days to all wake up to what God is doing.  God is doing a new work in these last days and God always confirms what he is doing, even with numbers.  So the next time you see a special number, pray and study and see if God is not possibly speaking something into your life?  As I read these gospel verses, I am ever reminded today:

*It's time to know who you really are in God.
*It's later than you think.
*It's time to receive God's gifts.
*It's time to wake up.

So what time is it for you?

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