I have just started reading Joel E. Anderson's book which is a fascinating study of one Christian teacher who lost his job because he did not believe in YEC (Young Earth Creationism). Most Evangelical Christians believe in a very literalistic young earth view of history even if the details do not all match Ken Ham's version of it. Sadly, YEC is becoming a litmus test for Christian school's hiring policy and most Christians think not only is evolution false, but it is evil and puts people on the slippery slope towards atheism.
Some of the things that YEC teaches that people may not be aware of are things like:
1. Adam and Eve possessed a perfect genome and stood anywhere from 12 to 16 feet tall and had super intelligence (what evidence scientific or even biblically is there for this?)
2. There was no death before the fall except for plant and bug life because they technically don't count as "life?" (really, plants and bugs don't count as life? And what about the fossil record of animal death?)
3. Adam and Eve were vegetarians and did not kill animals for food (what about our teeth as mammals are made for ripping and tearing flesh?)
4. Incest was okay until Moses said it was wrong due to genetic mutations (how do we know incest was okay for Adam and Eve's family especially if God created the first pair of humans in community and not just a solo family interpretation? If you take the risk of genetic mutation away, do we really want to say that incest then is okay in all situations?)
5. It never rained before the flood for there was this perfect like canopy until God made it rain? (how on earth do you explain no rain, no sun or moon at one point in the creation story and the questions just go on and on).
6. The pre-flood civilization were highly intelligent and they had advanced technology that dwarfs even our modern technology today. Go to the Noah Ark exhibit and check this out for yourself. Of course all this advanced technology got blotted out by the universal flood so there is no evidence for it today. The flood not only explains away all geology against a YEC interpretation but it covers the loss of this early advanced technology as well.
7. Dinosaurs were on the ark and they fit by being small newborns (where exactly is that in the Bible?)
(Excerpts and ideas from Joel Anderson The Heresy of Ham (2016)
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