"For God so loved the cosmos that he gave his one and only son . . . for God did not send his Son into the cosmos to condemn the cosmos, but to save the cosmos through him"
(a more accurate translation of John 3:16-17 I got from Richard J. Mouw)
The whole story of Jesus is how the God of Israel becomes King over the whole cosmos. We like to translate the word "world" but its even bigger and greater than that. Jesus is King over all the whole universe.
1. Jesus makes us one with God.
2. Jesus makes us one with each other.
3. Jesus makes us one with creation.
4. Jesus makes us one with the whole cosmos.
Since the creation of the universe and that point in history, we are end the sixth day and just about to enter into God's seventh day of rest. Jesus is Israel's Messiah who is restoring the whole cosmos and renewing all people. The kingdoms of this world clash with God's kingdom as God is ushering in a whole new world order through Messiah Jesus. All the world powers and principalities are pretenders. God is replacing the arrogance of man with His own grace.
Jesus by his Spirit today is creating Spirit-led Jesus followers. One of my friends asked me today what title should we use in designating oneself as a Christian today. I thought of simply saying I am a radical follower of Jesus or more simply, "I am a follower of Jesus." But I confess, to say "I am a spirit-led Jesus follower" does add another dimension to the designation. And to be one with Jesus is the evolution of being one with the Christ who is in all and all in all of the entire cosmos.
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