God's love came bleeding, dying, crucified for me. I am captivated by God's love that died for me and lives in me. Before God's love, I was a monster. I lusted and was a consumer of love but not a giver of love. I was living like a zombie and trying to feed off others. I craved blood like a vampire and wanted to suck the life out of others. But Jesus is the great transformer who turns monsters into lovers. Jesus death on the cross exposed the monster in me and Jesus resurrection from the grave turned me from a monster into a lover. Here are the words bursting forth from my inward being:
Jesus, your love bleeding on the cross.
Jesus your love dying for me.
In awe and captivated by love crucified.
I can no longer do what I have been doing
I am no longer captured by the world's web.
The monster in me is dead.
Jesus turned my lust into love.
Jesus turned my heart toward Eden.
I am no longer chasing the wind.
Now the wind of God's Spirit lifts and carries me.
Love got crucified that lonely day in Jerusalem.
I am captured by love.
All I see is through the eyes of love.
Jesus tamed the beast and set me free.
Free at last. Free to love.
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