One can read many academic books on the book of Genesis by many various scholars but it is difficult to find someone who preaches and teaches on the book of Genesis from a pastoral perspective. Peter Hiett is writing a three book series on Genesis one through three and his first book is called "The History of Time . . . And the Genesis of You (Relentless Love Publishing, 2015)
Hiett challenges modern Christians to read the book of Genesis within its historical context and its spiritual implications for our lives today. The great adventure of missing the point in Genesis is not about the age of the earth or whether or not dinosaurs were on the ark (sorry Ken Ham). Hiett rightly says, "The point is always Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Cor.2:2).
The book of Genesis is not just a book of beginnings but it is God's love letter written to you. You were created to read the story and fall in love with the author. Rather than allowing God to fashion us into His image, we try the reverse and fashion the book of Genesis and God into our image which is just another form of idolatry that this book is trying to counteract.
God's story is Jesus story which is also your story. This first book of the Bible is the genesis of you. Christ in you. It is the grand story of God making all things new (2 Cor.5:17). What we find in the book of Genesis is the story of God, the story of creation, the story of Israel, the story of Christ, and the story of your life all wrapped up into one glorious story.
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