Has anyone ever noticed when they invite newcomers to a church that it's like, "Here's your one shot. If it's a slow day, off sermon, the Spirit was not really moving" then it's just too bad." Actually, I try to tell the many people who are church hopping these days, you need to visit a church for a month or more to see how things really are. Just showing up on one Sunday may not truly represent how that church is on other Sundays. And worship is about what you bring, not simply what you get or "feel" from the worship experience.
Not all Sunday Worship experiences are equal. But I will have to say, today was Sunday and Jesus was already waiting for us and it was a good day to worship God and be with His people. I saw a half a dozen people share a testimony on how they saw God working in their lives. I saw three new families who came in response to our congregation simply loving them and serving them. I even saw one lady get delivered from a bad spirit (her words) by the end of the service.
We had one group of people going to Alabama to help tornado victims. God is not only alive and well on planet earth but God is still reaching, touching, healing, and rescuing people all around us. Have you seen God at work around you recently?
Not all Sunday Worship experiences are equal. But I will have to say, today was Sunday and Jesus was already waiting for us and it was a good day to worship God and be with His people. I saw a half a dozen people share a testimony on how they saw God working in their lives. I saw three new families who came in response to our congregation simply loving them and serving them. I even saw one lady get delivered from a bad spirit (her words) by the end of the service.
We had one group of people going to Alabama to help tornado victims. God is not only alive and well on planet earth but God is still reaching, touching, healing, and rescuing people all around us. Have you seen God at work around you recently?
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