Friday, April 24, 2015

A Tribute to Sam

"Play it again Sam" Humphrey Bogart movie

I had the privilege today of speaking some words of a remarkable man, Sam Grider.  His love and reputation of challenging people to love Jesus more is known by many in my area.  Sam's life was like George Bailey in the movie It's a Wonderful Life.  George Bailey discovered that true wealth was in helping and loving your neighbor and making a lasting difference in the lives of the people around you.  George Bailey felt like a failure when he thought he was losing his family business only to discover the mystery of God's love and providence in his staying in his hometown rather than leaving it.

Sam Grider on the other hand is a man whose life changed drastically twenty years ago.  He had major seizures that continued on for the rest of his life and disabled him in his use of his hands, body, and legs.  He walked with great effort and he had to relearn how to use his left hand because his right one simply did not work anymore.  Sam went through a series of major surgeries as well as battling cancer repeatedly.  Someone might think Sam's life was cursed rather than a blessing; a mistake rather than being wonderful.  But Sam had this contagious love for Jesus he shared with everyone.  In his weaknesses, Christ triumphed greatly in Sam's life.

There are several words that hung on Sam's wall that I will remember for a long time.  One was "We need to learn to see ourselves as God sees us----one of His children."  The other is, "A Bible falling apart often belongs to someone who isn't."  Sam's Bible in his casket was all used up and falling apart.  Even though Sam's body fell apart from disease, his spirit never ceased to shine and illuminate everyone around him with peace.  We will greatly miss you Sam as you have finished the race and have received an eternal crown of glory.

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