Friday, May 22, 2015

Theology as Poetry

Words are signs signifying reality beyond the concrete of objects.  Objects are light bearers of eternity which are shadows and pointers of heavenly substance.  The words inspire, sing, and spark a multitude of images before one's mind.  The words of theology are poetry because they are not dead words but living words.  The Bible itself is a living word because it also is poetry in motion.  It does not stand still but keeps moving to the rhythms of the Spirit of God.

Poetic intuition is a gift from God and one is simply blind if they do not recognize the source where true inspiration and poetic rhyme and lyrics find their origin.  The true poet, the spirit-inspired poet speaks with a certain clarity even if they are full of mystery.  Raw emotion and passion fills the lips of the poet whose heart and life is surrendered in humility to God.

The poet is consumed by the Spirit that his hand writes automatically without much thought or action.  Where it begins and ends is like a dream to the poet who writes.  Where does this creative genius come from?  It comes from the creativity and life giving Spirit of Creator God.   Mystical contemplation on Scripture becomes theology at its best born from a life of prayer.  Mystic and poet all converge as one and they can not be separated or divided but make up the sum of the whole.

Theology as poetry is simply imitating God whose Spirit is the imitation of Christ.  Complexity gives way to simplicity as dividedness gives way to singularity.  Self is lost in the presence of God as mystical contemplation and knowledge flows like a great river from the throne room of heaven on earth.  Earthen vessels of humanity are creative channels for the river of God's Spirit to flow inward and outward.  Poetic music and songs spring to life by the life giving Spirit of God.

The earthly turns heavenly as the animal of man turns into the sons and daughters of the Most High God.  Poetry is not like math to be calculated but like art to be appreciated.  Poetry is not like logic to be analyzed but like a beautiful dance to inspire the imagination.  There are multiple meanings and layers to the poets words because not one single image or meaning can capture its full substance.

One can hardly discern where the human and divine meet or where they depart.  The whole mystical theology of Scripture shaping the imagination and overflowing the heart comes from the depths of the soul moved by the Spirit of God.  The poet's will is moved by the will of God and the poet writes thoughts, images, and symbols like a musical instrument being played in the hands of God.  This does not mean the poet does not know what's happening or does not play a part in the creative process.  What it simply means is God's grace and mystical presence speaks through the depths of his created being to the rest of God's creation.

Boundaries are indistinguishable as heaven and earth collide in this grand symphony orchestrated by the conductor of the Holy Spirit.  Suffering, mystery, and deep passion fill the words of poetry from the heart of God to man's heart.  What the mystic discovers in silence, is expressed in words by the poet.  Sometimes the violence of the Spirit is so intense that the poetic words come out screaming for a response.  Intelligence and feelings are so intermixed together that the poetry may seem like a divine secret, even to the one expressing them into words.  Mystical knowledge is like artistic revelation that comes from the deep recesses of man's spirit touched by God's Spirit and presence.

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