Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mystical Path

I walk in the secret mystery of light
Illuminous mystery, beautiful delight
Transparent light so full and sublime
Creation rays fill eternity time

A star transfigured in the night
A poet transported to glorious sight
Epiphany beyond measure suddenly unfold
All becomes one and fear becomes bold

There is an open secret hidden between the lines
A heart is captured by the treasure one finds
Life's rehearsals interrupted by surprise
Angels hiding in earthly disguise

Awakened from slumber the air intoxicating
Staring in the face of complete love relating
Am I the only one who walks this path?
I suddenly know with all creation this
is part of the divine math

The whole world is ablaze with love on fire
The circle of the flame keeps raising higher
No more waiting in this season where time is no more
The whole world joins hands as all is melted to the core

Spaces in the Heart

A love poem to my wife Sandy:

My whole life has been searching for you
My dreams, my thoughts fill my heart anew
My love for you is without measure
You are my love and my great treasure

Somebody once said that there are spaces in the heart
I found God's gift in you and that fills that part
Every time I see you makes my heart race
God has blessed me with your presence by His grace

My life is now full with no empty spaces
Your love fills my heart that God's love graces
I love being your husband which is my delight
Together forever with God's love always in our sight

Mystic Light

Sounds arise in the midst of silence
Pure color and lights penetrate my soul
Everything comes together at a single point
The world is invaded and can not be the same

I am lost in wonder as my heart melts
Rising beyond things I see as if for the first time
In Christ's presence everything makes sense
In Christ's presence all my sin dissolves away

Everything is clear and transparent to the core
The light of heaven pierces the darkness and loneliness flees
Deeper and deeper into creative pure joy
Beauty cleanses my soul and refreshes my thoughts

Mystic fire, light, and music fill the air
The dance of angels in a room filled with grace
The presence gets louder and stronger and penetrates to the bone
I cling to God and hold the earth as divine energy circles the globe

Crucified in prayer and sanctified by grace
Losing myself while remaining myself in pure embrace
God reveals what I feel as I see the face of Jesus
His power animating and his presence sustaining all things

He says, "Take eat, this is my body, this is my blood"
Not just bread or wine but flesh and soul intertwined
Everything is distant with the touch of your nearness
My heart is holy ground for the radiance of your mystic light

(inspired by reading Teilhard's The Mystical Milieu)

The Sactified Body and the Sactified Earth

The world is charged with the grandeur of God  -  Gerard Manley Hopkins

The whole world is my altar  -  Teilhard de Chardin

We need a new way of understanding and making sense of the world we live in.  A new way of perceiving and thinking, a new way of sensing and knowing.  Teilhard's view is the cosmos is the theatre of divine energy.  This universe on fire or ablaze echoes the Greek fathers in their patristic understanding of creation and the universe. 

Some critics have tried to level the pantheism charge against Teilhard's theology but they simply did not understand him.  His views not only follow the Chalcedon definition of human and divine without mixture and without confusion but his deeply synergistic understanding of spiritual transformation is deeply within the Greek fathers understanding.  A union of love and a communion of the will.  For Teilhard, the incarnation of Christ is making all things new, perfecting, and restoring all closely related to Irenaeus notion of recapitulation.  This all leads to what Teilhard calls a theology of redemption, deification, and participation in the divine life with God (2 Peter 1:4)

Deification for Teilhard is not just participation in the divine life but the whole created order being drawn towards God.  This all happens through Christ through grace.  This sacramental theology becomes a transfiguration of matter itself.  This is a logical extension for Teilhard of patristic theology's understanding of the Eucharist as an agent of deification.  All initiative comes from God and overflows from God.  This grand vision is nothing less than the unity of all creation in Jesus Christ.

Most people would not identify Teilhard's theology as either Patristic much less some kind of ressourcement of Christian theology.  Even though there are some departures and new understandings at times, one should not forget that a "return to the sources" was for Christian theology to be revised and refreshed in its own context and not just repeat what others have said in the past.  It is to imitate earlier Christian moves of reconciling scripture with the world and church with all of creation.  What one finds in Teilhard's theology is a Christian understanding that follows the spirit and substance of tradition that is deeply sacramental and contemplative immersed in God's love.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Generous Orthodoxy or a New Vision of God

I have been reading Bradley Jersak's A More Christlike God.  Jersak tries to present a more generous orthodoxy from the vision he was given as a young Christian of God being an angry and violent taskmaster.  He rightly gives a powerful new vision of a Christocentric and cruciform theology where ones sees the Father by looking at the Son.

The two hidden questions behind Jersak's book are people want to know (1) Does God care? and (2) Does God care about me?  Jersak tries to give different snapshots and paint a coherent picture of what this Christlike God looks like to maybe some of the negative stereotypes and bad pictures people may have already been exposed to earlier in life. 

I am only a third of the way through his book but there are gems and pearls to be discovered in his writings throughout.  One point I wish he would have developed more that I found interesting is where he says, "God is Christlike in his secret presence within creation" (P.120).  I am thinking there is so much more to unpack here, especially as I am starting to study Teilhard De Chardin who goes into this more deeply than anybody else I have read to date.

Jersak allows for tensions and paradoxes to exist in his writing which I like but there are also some conclusions which Calvinists and Christians who hold to the traditional doctrine of hell will certainly make them squeamish.  I know Jersak is reacting to his past but I don't think the picture is as dark or ugly as he paints those who believe in a more literal hell than he does nor how he interprets the violent texts in the Bible. 

Jersak like a good apologist wants to defend God at times between direct and secondary causes but I'm not sure how persuasive these arguments really are in the end much less they often create as many problems as they solve.  He says "I don't believe the divine courtship involves wearing you down with his love until you give up."  This may be a nice tidy way to wrap things up but I believe things may be more messy than what Jersak says here,  I have met too many Christians who have experienced God boxing them into a wall or not giving them much choice.  One could debate the interpretation of the Hosea and Gomer story but it seems like this is exactly what God's love does, it wears you down until you give up in certain circumstances.

I believe Jersak gives a more beautiful picture of God in which I applaud him for.  I just believe underneath this picture, there can be a violence of the Spirit (figuratively speaking) which can be deeply disturbing and make one feel like they have very little choice because of God's powerful compelling presence.  In a day where there are many competing pictures of what God looks like, we certainly need at the forefront a more Christlike God.

An Ode to Evolution

O mystic treasure hidden in the clay
Evolution of earth and the cosmic Christ at play
From creation, DNA and evolutionary process
The whole world sings praise to Christ who wore creation's crosses

Christ in all and all is his
The universe of evolution is the great hypostasis*
Matter can be a means to see God through Christ's eye
Spirit and energy collide while people still question why

The circles of life connects all too many to mention
Mystical descent turns and rises up to ascension
Bathed in light and God's creative action
Suffering and death leads to holy annihilation

Pain, suffering, and death are not the great evil
This evolutionary process is all a part of God's great triangle
Evolution and the divine milieu meet as divine communion
Matter and Spirit are made one with God in mystic union

*Hypostasis is the description of the process of Jesus humanity and Jesus divinity being united in the incarnation.

Mystics I Mystically Connect With

Mystic German Roots
Meister Eckhart,
Henry Suso,
Hildegard von Bingen,
St. Gertrude the Great,
Mechthild of Magdeburg,
Hedewick . . .

Mystic Prayer Warriors:
Michael Molinos
Francois Fenelon
Madam Guyon
Frances De Sales . . .

Visionary Mystics:
St. Teresa of Avila
Catherine of Siena
Francis of Assisi
Julian of Norwich
Ignatius of Loyola

Mystic Scholars and Poets:
Ignatius of Loyola
Meister Eckhart
St. John of the Cross
Julian of Norwich
Teilhard De Chardin

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Daily Prayer

O Sovereign Lord,
Instruct my ignorance
my only confidence is in your mercy.
Put your words in my mouth so I may speak
Put your love in my heart so I may act
Cloak me with your humility to be silent before you.

Show me my blind-spots and deliver me from the evil one.
Overcome my faults with patience
Overcome my temptations with prayer
Overcome the world with your Word.

Overflow my heart with such gratitude that I share it with everyone.
Renew child-like faith in me every day.
Guard me from indifference or a critical spirit.
Help me see the miracle of lives transformed by your presence.
Teach me that sorrows and suffering are your blessings in disguise.
Align me with your heavenly calendar to bear witness of you every hour.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (1881-1955)

I recently watched the MGM classic The Shoes of the Fisherman.  This movie starred Anthony Quinn as a humble Russian pope and Oskar Werner plays a character who resembles Pierre Teilhard De Chardin.  This is a wonderfully acted and inspirational movie for the whole family to watch.  As I have been studying resourcing Christian mysticism from four to six hundred years ago, there are some forgotten heroes and saints of the twentieth century and Teilhard is one who should come to the top of the list.  Everyone knows Thomas Merton but few have heard of this paleontologist, world traveler, visionary mystic, and French Jesuit priest Teilhard De Chardin.

Teilhard tried to seek God through science and evolution.  For Teilhard, evolution not only did not contradict the revelation of the Bible but evolution is revelation.  He wanted to show scientists and people in the church that Christ ordered the universe and to hold both faith and science together.  My first encounter with Teilhard was in Bible college where I was taught that his ideas were dangerous and his cosmic Christ was heretical.  The Roman Catholic church therefore rightly silenced and exiled him.

The problem was I read Teilhard's critics without ever reading Teilhard's works first hand.  I condemned him without ever reading his own writings.  I had a similar experience with Karl Barth who I later considered the most brilliant Christian mind of the twentieth century.  I am only now discovering Teilhard's thoughts and writings.  The irony is Teilhard was a man way ahead of his times.  His beloved Catholic Church condemned his writings because he promoted the scientific ideas of evolution which ironically today are the teachings of the Catholic Church on science and origins of life on this planet.  Like Joan of Ark, he was condemned in one era only to be vindicated in another.

Teilhard passionately loved God and as a scientist was like a priest performing a holy duty.  Science itself is mysticism because its telos and hope is in God whether it recognizes this or not.  Teilhard's genius in reconciling science with Christianity and heaven with earth are shock waves that are only beginning to shake the churches teachings today.  God of the Christian gospel is the same God of evolution.  The great mystic connecter is "Christ the evolver."

This all reminds me of the deeper work the church needs to do in ressourcement theology and synthesizing and reconciling divergent areas together.  Georges Florovsky an Eastern Orthodox through the grid of "neo-patristic synthesis" brought together the Bible, tradition, liturgy, and church all mystically connected together.  Teilhard's creative genius brought together science and religion in the 1930's when these two fields of study had been segregated or separated.  Teilhard believed that evolutionary science and Christian faith converge together in the person of Jesus Christ.  Not only was the galaxy ordered from above but all things are brought together by the cosmic Christ.

Mystical Intuitions

*My vocation is love

*The Heart of Christ is my temple

*The wounds of Christ's side renew the world

*The light of creation passes thru the sacrament of communion and goes out to the whole world

*God loves his enemies so pray for them

*Accept all suffering as a gift of love for mercy heals the world

*The model of perfection is to become like a small child

*The seal of the Holy Spirit is my wedding ring

Iconography of the Spirit

Spiritual gazing
        Spiritual vibrations
New name
     New identity
          New Creation

In Your Presence

I wake up in the morning in your presence
I go through the day in your presence
I go to sleep in your presence.
I feel your tender mercies in your presence
I know your comfort and strength in your presence
I see your grace and mercy everywhere in your presence
I feel creation light in your presence

Your love lifts me higher in your presence
Your peace washes over me in your presence
Your grace floods my soul in your presence
Your Spirit are like waves of energy in your presence
Your peace gives me rest in your presence
Your joy makes me laugh in your presence
Your gentle touch is all I need in your presence

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mystical Titles & Tracks

To know Jesus is to spend time in his presence

Something that really struck me when I was reading Meister Eckhart was his terminology in his references to biblical books.  He called the Song of Solomon the book of love and the book of Revelation the book of secrets (I loved these designations). 

So here are seven I will be using that follows Eckhart's lead.

1.  Genesis -  The book of Beginnings
2.  Wisdom of Solomon - The book of Wisdom
3.  The Song of Solomon -  The book of Love
4.  Daniel -  The book of visions and dreams
5.  The Gospel of Mark  -  The book of the Son of God
6.  Acts  -  The book of Ascension
7.  Revelation  -  The book of Secrets

When I think about spiritual tracks for the future of the church, here are several that come to my mind that need to be held holistically together rather than the many ways they are either separated or one aspect is ignored at the expense of the other.

1.  The divinity of Jesus needs to be balanced with the humanity of Jesus.  We have yet to see what this theologically and practically should look like in the church today that connects deeper to Jesus humanity.

2.  A theology of dualism needs to head towards a theology of non-dualism.  These two should at least be held in tension with each other and non-dualist ways of doing theology needs to be explored by the western church.

3.  The after life of heaven needs to head towards the church participating in heaven coming to earth.  A new creation theology needs to be more fully developed and practiced by the church which means a whole new way of doing Christian discipleship.

4.  God in his being (essence) needs to be balanced with God in his energies.  The work and power of the Holy Spirit needs to be explored more fully.  We need to tap deeper into the divine energies of the Holy Spirit.

5.  The masculinity of God needs to be balanced with the divine feminine.  Christ as Sophia (wisdom) and a more compassionate down to earth creational spirituality needs greater development.  The world as Christ's body needs to be explored along with the ecclesiology of the church.

6.  The triumphal judging church needs to be balanced with a cruciform generous church.  A deeper practical theology of the cross needs to be explored more.

7. Kataphatic theology needs to be balanced with Apophatic theology.  More modest proposals, humility, and Christians saying "I don't know" more than always giving the answers would be a greater apologetic for the future.  A greater development of mystery for Christian theology is also greatly needed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


This poem is dedicated to my beautiful wife Sandy as we watched the sun go down together which is her favorite time of the day.


At dusk the sun begins to go down
At twilight one hears the night sound

Rays of light pierce the sky
Darkness descends as the day passes by

Stars appear as if all was ending
But the beauty of the day is only beginning

The cool night breeze fills the air
Moonlight washes over the world without a care

A midst arises and hovers over the waters
The sounds of night echo down life's corridors

The beauty of the daylight is fading and gone
The radiant night chants is steady love song

Every breath is taken under the starry host
The heavens declare the greatness of God the most

Life and death passes each one of us by
Are we living the truth or are we living a lie?

Will the new day be filled with awful regret?
Or will God's peace descend owing tomorrow no debt?

Dusk is the perfection of day my wife says is her favorite part
Wonder, beauty, and mystery fills her heart

Days turn into years as we partner together
With God's love at the center that makes it all last forever

The World is Mine

Taking, stealing, grabbing,
everything in the world is mine.
It's not for somebody else,
it is there for me for the taking.

The more I took, the more I grabbed,
the more I lost.
Everything slipped through my fingers.
The tighter I hold, the quicker it fled.
I thought I could posses the world
but the world possessed me.

Then I opened my hand,
I gave away, surrendered all
and freely released the world
for it has lost its power over me.

I joyfully blessed the poor,
cared for the wounded,
and loved the broken-hearted.

In the midst of my poverty,
I discovered that all is God
and His is mine
so now I'm free
for the world is mine.

(inspired by Psalm 50:12)

The Genetics of Scripture

The very Word of God is imprinted with the Trinity  God the Father, the God-man Son, and God the Holy Spirit fill its interior from the beginning to the end.  Creation itself has the fullness of God dwelling in the garden of paradise and the book of Revelation has the divine Trinity restoring everything into a new creation and bringing heaven to earth.

There is a kind of spiritual genetics or DNA to Scripture that has repeating patterns and symbols for those with spiritual eyes and hearts.   There is a seven-fold repeating structure from Genesis chapter one that reoccurs throughout the Bible of heaven imprint on earth.  There are multi-dimensional chiasms which are Hebrew parallelism from Moses to Peter.  This seven-fold pattern looks something like this:

1.  Creation (creates, plant, wake up, light)
     2.  Division (separates, work, serve, set apart)
          3.  Ascension (awareness, the Law, learn)  
              4.  Testing (suffering, pruning, purification, crucifixion, illumination) 
          5.  Maturity (grow, gathered)
     6.  Theophany (resurrection, union, go home)
7.  Glorification (rest, feast, harvest)

(For more information, see Michael Bull The Bible Matrix)

More Deeply

The more deeply I drink of Your love O God,
the more deeply I am intoxicated with Your presence.

The more deeply I descend and sink,
the more sweetly I ascend with You.

The more deeply I feast on Your word and eat the bread of heaven,
the more deeply I am satisfied and filled with the fullness of Christ's divinity.

No matter where you are
or how far you have traveled
or journeyed this road of faith,
there is always more. 
There is always more deeply to go with God.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Spiritual Mapping Or Unlocking Your Spiritual DNA

We are exploring the vast universe with its many stars and galaxies and still just beginning to understand a little of the great universe around us.  We are probing the small world of microbiology and DNA genetic coding and learning how detailed and wonderful is the universe inside us.  As one who tries to understand both history and faith, I am trying to understand my own roots and Christian history.

I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church for my Grandfather who died before I was born was a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This had a great influence on my Dad who raised me in that church tradition.  I have been drawn to the independent Christian church for years and finally after seminary became a Christian church pastor.  Leaving my Baptist tradition for another tradition was an agonizing and difficult process.  What I have since discovered is the Stone Campbell movement started from an America revival in the Midwest.  The Midwest is still where I have my roots and although my long term roots is German, I was born and have lived as an American my whole life.

The Cain-Ridge revival in southern Kentucky is where the whole Restoration Movement began.  It was where Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists were looking for simple Christianity without all the divisive issues over creeds and denominationalism.  A movement was born that was American and independent through and through.  Strangely as I have gotten older, Presbyterians and Methodists have become some of my closest friends as well as my Baptist brothers.  Spiritual connections and roots run deep.

My spiritual DNA is hotwired for a deep love of God's Word and to see visible Christian unity among God's broken and divided family.  One could say this is my Restoration roots coming to the surface but it goes down much deeper.  I am German and I have discovered several hundred years ago, western Rhineland mysticism was born.  Great German mystics like Meister Eckhart, Henry Suso, the Gertrudes and Methchilds influenced German people spiritually.  The contemplative mystical tradition was set in motion where one soul yearns to be one with God and God's creation.  This burns so deep inside of me I can hardly speak about it.

St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland with a strong Celtic brand of Christianity that also influenced German Christians early on.  My birthday is November 16 which is the day one celebrates St. Gertrude the Great.  German Rhineland mysticism is in my blood and historical roots as well a Celtic Christianity.  One can even go back farther and wonder which early Jewish Christians went about Europe and abroad as missionaries for God?  The twelve tribes of Israel have gone to the four corners of the globe and we still follow the spiritual bloodline of either the righteousness of Abel or the unrighteousness of Cain.  Spiritual bloodlines and our genealogy runs not only in our blood and DNA but our spiritual DNA and birthright is in Christ and the Holy Spirit DNA that imprints every Christ follower.

God has hotwired you to love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37).  We may be strongly influenced in one of these direction over the other but God wants us to approach him with all we have and not just our own preferences or what we are familiar with in how we do things. 

Heart spirituality is centered in gratitude
Soul spirituality is centered in contemplation
Mind spirituality is centered in awareness
Strength spirituality is centered in contentment

Let us approach God humbly and with fear and trembling "for our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29).

A Christ-like God Prayer

O Incarnate God,
You are love experienced
You are goodness revealed
You are beauty rising from my heart
My greatest meditation is on You

Enlarge my vision so I can see You
Open my mind and free me from boxing You in
Free my heart to Your unlimited love
Rescue me from the prison of my small understanding
Release me from the veil of pride
so that I might see Christ in all things and in all people

(inspired from reading Bradley Jersak book A More Christlike God)

St. Getrude the Great

One should not be so attached to action as to neglect contemplation - St. Gertrude the Great

"Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the living God,
give me the grace to desire you with all my heart,
Let me find my joy in you alone . . .

My loving Lord,
by your own wounded heart,
pierce my heart with the dart of your love,
so that it may hold nothing earthly,
but be filled only by your divine power."

(From The Women of Helfta by Mary Jeremy Finnegan)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Toxic Theology

I just received Bradley Jersak new book A More Christlike God.  I went to the jail today and preached about looking at God who is Christ like.  God is bigger and greater than all our conceptions of God.  I love how Jersak says, "Jesus alone is perfect theology" (p.9).  God overcomes us by love and not by force and manipulation.  Unfortunately there are so many people today who have a toxic view of God.  God hates or God is violent or we buy into the myth of redemptive violence.

Jersak is a recent convert to Eastern Orthodoxy speaks about negative theology or apophatic theology.  This is speaking of what God is not.   God is not shallow.  God is not an idol of our making.  God is not the Devil.  We may not know or understand all that God is but we can know His divine energies.  God's revelation to us.  God's actions and activity in us and the world around us.  We may not know God's essence fully but we can be filled with the Spirit of God whose positive energy touches and penetrates all of our life.

There have been ten million people who have left churches in America in the last fifteen years.  This great exodus is by people who have had their minds and hearts broken usually by other people who make up God's church.  It's not the living God that is driving them away but our toxic faith and our toxic theology of God.  Its the many slogans and shallow ways we talk about God as we silence others who have questions we would rather not deal with at the moment.  Jersak suggests not only do we need a more Christ like God but we also need a more Christ like church (p.21).

The Mirror

I looked in the mirror and what did I see
The Bridegroom of Christ coming for me
He birthed this love that fills my cup
He purchased love by His cross and calls us Beloved.

Where is love I asked in the darkness
    Darkness is where the Bridegroom is away 
          and light is when the Bridegroom stays.

I looked in the mirror and what did I see
The Bridegroom of Christ looking at me
His love dispelled indifference
and filled my soul with sweet incense

The darkness was eclipsed by heaven
as forgiveness was poured out seventy times seven
Love so deep soared on high
All darkness fled as evil died

My chains were broken as I was released from captivity
All heaven applauded at this great festivity
     Love destroyed all that I may embrace the call
            while the mirror of the Word showed my great fall
But Jesus death has torn down the wall
      And now God and I are close after all

Interior Prayer

Lord Jesus,
Your love is written in my heart.
You are my passion and desire.
You show me what is deep inside.
I tremble as I draw near.

I hear the waves of Your Spirit.
I see the rain of Your presence.
I feel the warmth of Your light.
I am refreshed by Your radiant love.

Daily I choose to walk with You.
Moment by moment and day by day.
At the beginning of the day I pray.
At the middle I bow.
At the end of the day
I close my eyes and think of You.

Take me to the lowest place.
Consume my soul with Holy fire.
Strengthen, comfort and renew;
Listen to the cry of my heart.
Your grace and mercy flowing in me.
Your love bursting forth like a crystal sea.

I Belong To Love

My heart trembles
     I am swept away by beauty
     My heart melts
I am stripped bare for all to see.

Your love sears and marks my heart.
Will I die in this love?
     Descending I rise
     Searching I am held tightly
The fire of Your love consumes me.

I am wounded, wounded by Your love.
     I am swept away by violent waves.
     All my strength has left me.
I am utterly alone with You.
     Jesus love comforts me
     Jesus love embraces me
Jesus love is healing my soul.

Love circles and hedges me in
     Love killing me and setting me free
     Love drawing me deeper and drowning me.
I belong to You.

The Dream

I dream about the past,
what used to be,
what is now gone.

I dream about the present,
my eyes fixed on one moment in time
gazing on the beauty of Christ.

I dream about the future,
what is just over the horizon
and what will I be doing tomorrow.

The dream is hard to explain,
will I remember it or forget it?
Words can not explain or feelings contain
the images of the dream.

I suddenly woke up from the dream,
I discovered this is what I have been waiting
for my whole life.

I can not let go of this dream,
but I hold onto it by God's love.

Theology as Poetry: Part 2

Christian theology as poetry is a spiritual awakening not just to God but to oneself.  God through His spiritual DNA gives intuitive gifts that work with His Spirit that leads to spiritual contemplation.  The soul may have always had these latent gifts from the beginning or from a spiritual awakening, a poetic instinct comes alive through the mystical experience.  One sees heaven, creation, God, people, and Scripture in a new light.  What was once hidden is revealed or what was always there is now seen as if for the first time.

Like a blind man coming out of a cave only to see the world for the first time in all its splendid glory, light, colors, and beauty.  This is a poetry of experience and a poetry of knowledge all converging together into one harmonic song.  Secrets become revelations and the obscure still shrouded in mystery becomes personal and full of ecstasy.  Like a person who could never understand or really "see" art, so the mystical theologian still sees in part and knows in part, but in a deeper more personal way of knowing.  The objects and the world around did not change but the way one knows has been transformed.

There is no theological poetry without mystical experience and no mystical experience that stirs the poetic imagination.  The world becomes a sacrament of holy fire and human vision is changed by a vision whose source is the Spirit of the living God.  A kind of mystical death takes place where pride gives way to humility and self gives way to God's abiding presence.  One still seeks God but one is also possessed by God all at the same time in the eternal now.  Time itself has been transformed from chronological time to time that has no end.

This poetic knowledge is not just speculative or rational but experiential and incarnational at its core.  One does not leave this world for another world but becomes more firmly rooted into being an agent of change as God's kingdom collides with the powers and energies of this dark world.  The soul sleeps in the rest and presence of God as it is fully awake to all of creation.  Mystical death and life, crucifixion and resurrection, all join together as heaven and earth join as one in mystic marriage to the Messiah bridegroom.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Evening Prayer

O Resurrection Son,
Your mercy is immeasurable,
Your love is uncontainable,
Your goodness is inexpressible.

I sing of Your salvation to the world.
I listen to the angels proclaim Your kingdom come.
I hear the whispers of the prayers of the martyrs.
I look at the saints of old who have followed Christ to the end.

I bow down in astonishment for You are cloaked with Light.
I draw every breath as I smell your sweet presence.
Your eternity stops time and fills the air with sweetness.
Your beauty is ever before me and all I can do is worship.

Theology as Poetry

Words are signs signifying reality beyond the concrete of objects.  Objects are light bearers of eternity which are shadows and pointers of heavenly substance.  The words inspire, sing, and spark a multitude of images before one's mind.  The words of theology are poetry because they are not dead words but living words.  The Bible itself is a living word because it also is poetry in motion.  It does not stand still but keeps moving to the rhythms of the Spirit of God.

Poetic intuition is a gift from God and one is simply blind if they do not recognize the source where true inspiration and poetic rhyme and lyrics find their origin.  The true poet, the spirit-inspired poet speaks with a certain clarity even if they are full of mystery.  Raw emotion and passion fills the lips of the poet whose heart and life is surrendered in humility to God.

The poet is consumed by the Spirit that his hand writes automatically without much thought or action.  Where it begins and ends is like a dream to the poet who writes.  Where does this creative genius come from?  It comes from the creativity and life giving Spirit of Creator God.   Mystical contemplation on Scripture becomes theology at its best born from a life of prayer.  Mystic and poet all converge as one and they can not be separated or divided but make up the sum of the whole.

Theology as poetry is simply imitating God whose Spirit is the imitation of Christ.  Complexity gives way to simplicity as dividedness gives way to singularity.  Self is lost in the presence of God as mystical contemplation and knowledge flows like a great river from the throne room of heaven on earth.  Earthen vessels of humanity are creative channels for the river of God's Spirit to flow inward and outward.  Poetic music and songs spring to life by the life giving Spirit of God.

The earthly turns heavenly as the animal of man turns into the sons and daughters of the Most High God.  Poetry is not like math to be calculated but like art to be appreciated.  Poetry is not like logic to be analyzed but like a beautiful dance to inspire the imagination.  There are multiple meanings and layers to the poets words because not one single image or meaning can capture its full substance.

One can hardly discern where the human and divine meet or where they depart.  The whole mystical theology of Scripture shaping the imagination and overflowing the heart comes from the depths of the soul moved by the Spirit of God.  The poet's will is moved by the will of God and the poet writes thoughts, images, and symbols like a musical instrument being played in the hands of God.  This does not mean the poet does not know what's happening or does not play a part in the creative process.  What it simply means is God's grace and mystical presence speaks through the depths of his created being to the rest of God's creation.

Boundaries are indistinguishable as heaven and earth collide in this grand symphony orchestrated by the conductor of the Holy Spirit.  Suffering, mystery, and deep passion fill the words of poetry from the heart of God to man's heart.  What the mystic discovers in silence, is expressed in words by the poet.  Sometimes the violence of the Spirit is so intense that the poetic words come out screaming for a response.  Intelligence and feelings are so intermixed together that the poetry may seem like a divine secret, even to the one expressing them into words.  Mystical knowledge is like artistic revelation that comes from the deep recesses of man's spirit touched by God's Spirit and presence.

God is in this place and I did not know it

I survey the land and what do I see?
Songs of heaven in the noise of creation.
I see traces in the dust of footsteps.
Are they the feet of men or angels or miracles?
God is in this place and I did not know it.

I sail across the ocean with the breeze in my face.
A heavenly dove flies by with wings of grace.
The secrets of the world unfold before my eyes.
I am seized by awe and wonder as the new day shines.
God is in this place and I did not know it.

I try to look at the rising sun.
I feel captured by its rays and ruined by its light.
All creation is heaven in disguise.
I wait in silence as I hear the whispers of angels gone by.
God is in this place and I did not know it.

(inspired by Genesis 28:16)

Death Has Lost Its Sting

Death is a defining moment.
     Not an ending but a new beginning.
          Not a disappearance but a new revelation.

Like Adam and Eve we must descend before we can ascend into perfection.
     Like Moses and the burning bush, the fire purifies but does not destroy.
          Like Jonah in the belly of the whale, the whale of death swallows up the human race.

Who can escape death for it is every man's fate.
      Leaving the world of Egypt, we return to the world of Eden.
          At the center of Eden is a tree, the cross.

It is by that cross we come to live with God in paradise.
     As we carry the cross of Christ, death has lost its sting.
          Death is swallowed up by paradise.

(Inspired from the writings of John Behr Becoming Human)

Kiss of the Spirit

Can you feel it, the hairs of your arm stand up
Eden awaken for God to fill your cup
The joy of God explodes over the earth
The Holy Spirit inside giving new birth

Paradise was lost and now has been restored
Eden gates are open wide and heaven is poured
Step out of yourself and look around
All doubt melts away with heaven's sound

All my trust I have placed in You
Your mercies abound on the ground each new dew
One only needs to look within to see the source
The joy, the peace, the hope to stay the course

With all my heart I have to share
O what sweet communion in prayer
Come in and enter I long for this
I abide in your shadow in the Spirit's kiss

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Prayer for Today

Arise today through a mighty strength,
the invocation of the Trinity,
through belief in the three-ness,
through confession of the oneness
of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
through the strength of His resurrection
with His ascension,
through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
through the strength of the love of cherubim,
in obedience of angels,
in the service of archangels,
in hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
in prayers of patriarchs,
in predictions of prophets,
in preaching of apostles . . .
I arise today.

(Prayer of St. Patrick of Ireland)

Mystic Tracks

Will I follow Jesus away from the familiar?
There are so many twists and turns, I can't see where I am going.
Is the purpose of life to simply stumble forward?
The longer I look ahead, the more I miss what is right in front of me.

The world keeps pushing and shoving,
I just want it to stop or at least slow down.
The wind of the Spirit carries me to places unknown.
The world seems like shadows as the deafening silence calls my name.

Feeling helpless and perplexed, I go deeper into surrender.
In an instant everything is different,
the confusion is gone and I stand there alone.
Free to risk, free to fall into Your arms of grace.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jesus Hidden in the Lion's Den

We know Jesus was the fourth man with Daniel's three friends in the fire of the furnace.
Is it possible in the tomb of the lions den Jesus was with Daniel hidden and not on the surface?
Can the whole life of Jesus be contained in the book of Daniel?
The life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus hidden deep in God's manual?

Daniel is preferred above the King's men (Dan.6:3).
Jesus is preferred above John the Baptist who was his kin (Jn.1:15).
Can this be a veiled prophecy?
Revelations of God buried deep in secrecy?

The Kings men sought to kill Daniel was the plan (Dan.6:4)
The chief priests and religious leaders sought to kill Jesus the man (Mk.14:55)
But the rulers of Babylon plan backfired.
And Jesus rose from the dead for in his divinity he was hotwired.

The foolish leaders could find no fault or error in him (Dan.6:4)
Pilate examined Jesus and saw in him no sin.
Even though Daniel knew the traps set before him, he prayed toward Jerusalem (Dan.6:10)
Christ knew his fate and set his face towards the new Jerusalem (Lk.9:53)

Daniel kneeled and prayed three times a day (Dan.6:10)
Jesus prayed in the garden three times and there was no more to say (Matt.26:44)
The King was saddened and wanted Daniel to be delivered (Dan.6:14)
Jesus was an innocent man and Pilate sought a way to release him and shivered ((Jn.19:12)

The Kings men cast Daniel into the lions den to watch him die on (Dan.6:16)
The Psalms speaks of the Messiah saved from the jaws of the lions (Ps.22:21)
They put a large stone on the mouth of the den (Dan.6:17)
They rolled a great stone in a borrowed tomb Christ was lend (Matt.27:60)

So Daniel was taken up and saved by God (Dan.6:23)
And Jesus disciples watched Jesus taken up while all the angels applaud (Acts 1:9)
God answered Daniel's prayer and he was vindicated.
The resurrection was Jesus vindication, just like the prophets predicted.

I Sleep But My Heart is Awake

I cannot sleep when I long for the Bridegroom.
Am I ready and prepared for His coming?
There is a slumber that leads to death,
and there is a sleep that is watchfully at rest.

My soul is ecstatic whether asleep or awake.
The enemy has set traps all around me.
How can I escape if I don't escape by Your love.
I will not fall into a pit if it were not by the leading of Your Spirit.

I die a death of a thousand deaths.
Only to rise and be taken away by Your Spirit.
Angelic activity and sweet purity fill the air.
Your divine gift of eternal rest fills the cracks in the spaces.
In solitude and quietness I fall asleep in Your arms of love.

The Prayer of Contentment

O Divine Comforter of My Soul,
I repent for I am but dust and ashes.
Forget my sin but remember me.
Fill my mind with spiritual thoughts.
Touch my lips with your Holy Word.

Let me drink deeply of the well of Your Spirit.
Your ways are perfect and who can know them?
Your boundless weight of glory surrounds me.
My mind can not contain such beauty.
You take my hand and I walk in sweet contentment.
You are my dwelling place.  

You take my negativity and you turn it into hope.
You take my complaint and turn it into gratitude.
You take my depression and turn it into celebration
You take my chains and you turn them into a necklace of joy.

Awake at Night

O Merciful and Sovereign Lord,
Silence my tongue and help me to be still
Put your words in my mouth and keep my thoughts at a distance.
Conceal Your love in my heart.

I awaken to the day and see glory everywhere.
Your presence is like the sun which shines on us.
Remove all pretense and pretending from my life.
I vanish in the day only to ascend at night.
The geometry of the cross is ever before me.

Fill me with the clarity of heaven so that I die by the brightness of Your Spirit.
Teach me to learn simplicity and to walk in humility.
Remove the fear of the hour and bathe me in Your perfect love.
Your mercy is without end,
Your compassion never fails.
Your glory shines forever.
Your wisdom is perfectly designed.

In my emptiness I behold You.
In my poverty I seek You.
In my loneliness I find You.
And in my darkness I touch You.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Scientists say life evolved from evolution.
Many Christians resist and say that's no solution.
     Life is in the blood and our DNA.
     But isn't there also life in the spirit and a spiritual DNA?
For life is more than chemicals and flesh and blood.
And all the questions of evolution can not simply be answered by the flood. 

Does science and religion have to conflict?
Must science and religion split?
     Some say that evolution is at the root of all evil.
     But are not people the real problem and what about the Devil?
Evolution is not the reason why in this world there is so much pollution.
What we really need is an all out Jesus revolution.

If evolution is real and all of life is in a process,
Our spiritual lives are to be transformed so we can help with this world's mess.
     Evolution and change may be life's building blocks.
     But the God who created the heavens should not be mocked.
Life is a cycle of many evolutions,
But Jesus is changing the world by His spiritual revolution.

Love Will Make A Way

I am so lonely I can die.
Can no one see me and really look me in the eye?
My heart aches to discover a real soul mate.
Someone to love and overcome this fate.

And then the unexpected happens and love shows up.
My heart melts and the Lord fills my cup.
I can't believe love has come my way.
I thought I had missed out but love comes anyway.

This love I feel can only come from God.
No more self pity or simply giving myself a nod.
     I was lost and now I'm found.
     I no longer feel like I'm bound.
Don't give up and think seeking love won't pay.
When God shows up, love will make a way.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Ressourcement of the Mystical Tradition

I have been reading Thomas Torrance and the Church Fathers by Jason Robert Radcliff (Pickwick, 2014).  Radcliff looks at Thomas Torrance ressourcement and reconstruction of his Reformed Evangelical theology by his dialogue with the Eastern Orthodox.  Evangelical theology needs to be more historically rooted in the church fathers and therefore be more Patristic, Catholic, and Orthodox.  There has been a "return to the sources" by many Christians in all three strands of Christianity from Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox have typically simply followed this way as what it means to be Orthodox.  This is not just a reciting the church fathers or knowing their teachings but a kind of mindset where one takes what they did and apply it to our new situations today.

I believe this "return" or going back to move forward in resourcing the early church fathers and Patristic teachings is certainly a right move in taking the church to a better future.  What I am not sure anybody is doing is resourcing the great mystical tradition, its asceticism and monastic habits?  As someone who is studying this great tradition, it is either largely ignored or rejected by many contemporary Christian teachers of the church and academy today.  Maybe this is difficult because there is more diversity between the different strands of mysticism as well as whole divergent developments between monastic movements from Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican, Jesuit, Cistercian, and Eastern Orthodox to name some of the major ones.

What one sees in these different strands or movements are similarity as well as complementary differences.  Ressourcement of the mystical tradition would be invaluable to fellow pilgrims and travelers who are on this mystical journey of faith.  I know there is a strong tendency towards mixing eastern mysticism with Christian mysticism as well as a convergence of all religions in an inclusive and syncretistic fashion.  I believe an in depth ressourcement of the Christian mystical tradition would be very fruitful start in helping struggling Christians deal with the secularization and apathy among so many people who make up the ranks of the church today.


Do you know wisdom?
She delights in God.
She is manifested as God's Son.
She calls out your name.

Wisdom is not divided.
Be careful for the heart is full of deceit.
Accept everything as if it was from God himself.
Wait on God for you will be tested like fire.
Trust God and you will be satisfied.

The greater favor you posses, the less you think of yourself.
Do not get in the middle of disputes.
Do not be ashamed to be yourself.
Always be ready to confess your sins.

Do not pray for justice or seek after your own righteousness.
Refuse every kind of lie for only evil can come from it.
Remember to visit the sick and keep watch over your own soul.
Do not judge by appearances and resist your pride continually.

Do not multiply your responsibilities and be at peace with others.
Do not criticize but listen when others are talking.
Do not argue but love.
A cheerful face is a sign of a happy heart.
Meditate on wisdom and seek mercy.

(inspired from the book of Sirach)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hidden Glory, Open Secret

The whole world is ablaze of Your glory.
The earth, sun, moon and starts
all bow down to Your authority.

Your arms surround us
Your hands lead us
Your love lifts us

You trace the world with your finger.
Your love is an open secret for all to see.
The darkness tries to hide the light.
Uncertainly and confusion is everywhere.

But there You are bleeding through the rubble.
The Sovereign one hidden
in a heap of broken images.
Your grace filling in the empty spaces,
by faith we are lost in wonder.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful
and kindle in us the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit
did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit
we may be truly wise
and ever enjoy your consolations.
Through Christ our Lord.

(From the Walk from Emmaus worship book)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Today God

God is today.
He is not yesterday.
He is not tomorrow.

God is the dawn, awakening the earth to life;
the first morning ever,
shining with infinite innocence; a revelation
older than all beginning, younger than youth.

God is the noon, blinding the eye of the mind
with the blaze of truth.
God is the sunset, casting over creation
a color of glory
as He withdraws into the mysteries of night.

God is today.
He is not yesterday.
He is tomorrow.
He never is night.

(a poem by the last Jessica Powers from Track of the Mystic, p.129)