There is a continuing escalation towards conflict and war between the United States and Russia. If we listen to our media, they will talk little of this conflict while suggesting that everything is black and white and the U.S. is all good and Russia is all evil. As long as we keep ourselves in the dark and only listen to our media which is basically propaganda for our government and big corporations who have too many ties to weapons manufacturing companies, we will continue to head towards the brink of a catastrophic war
Can we listen to both sides of this conflict and not just take one side over and against the other? The hard reality is Russia feels trapped and backed against a wall with NATO's new ballistic missile defense system in place as well NATO forces and military bases nudging up against Russia. We like to think Russia is the aggressor and yet it's not Russian tanks, planes, and soldiers moving up against our borders in America. We won't allow Russia into NATO because America wants to control all the smaller nations and it does not want to share with another superpower when it comes to our national interests and alliances.
We continue to fund merchants of death with billions of dollars in military contracts while allowing these same corporations to lobby our politicians for even more money. The biggest contributors by super-pacs are the weapons of mass destruction sales industry. Can we be honest here? Which actions are more problematic? Russia doing military exercises in its own country or the United States sending troops half way around the world to do military exercises in Russia's back yard? Can we learn before it is too late that Russia is not the old Soviet Union nor is Russia even a communist country anymore.
The hard questions Americans need to start asking is why is the Obama administration ramping up a new arms race with Russia and why is our State Department calling for war with Syria? Unless we choose a different path and course of action soon, there may be no path at all for the future of both of our countries.
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