I love the story in 2 Samuel 2:13-17 where David asked for a drink of water from the well of Bethelehem which was totally surrounded by the enemy army of the Phillistines. Three of David's mighty men fought their way through the enemy's camp and brought back David a drink. David was so moved by their willingness to lay down their lives for him that he could not even take the drink given him. These three mighty men of David remind me of three powerful truths for us today.
1. You must know who you are as God's warrior. David's men were completely loyal to David and would do anything for him.
2. To conquer the enemy, you must enter his territory. David's men had the courage to go over to where the stronghold was the toughest and fight.
3. You and God make a majority. David's men knew David and the God he served and they accomplished an impossible task because God went with them into the battle. Three men against the whole Phillistine army!
When it comes to Jesus death and resurrection, we too need to know Jesus is our divine warrior. Jesus overthrew the gates of hell and even conquered death. Jesus knew who he was as God's warrior. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness and said, "If you are the son of God." Jesus knew he was God's son. Jesus entered Satan's domain. His whole ministry was one of casting out demons, healing the sick, and raising the dead back to life. Jesus came not only to seek and to save the lost but also to destroy the works of the Devil. Finally, Jesus conquered the grave. Not even death could hold Jesus back! Jesus died on the cross so that you could meet his Father.
I love the story in 2 Samuel 2:13-17 where David asked for a drink of water from the well of Bethelehem which was totally surrounded by the enemy army of the Phillistines. Three of David's mighty men fought their way through the enemy's camp and brought back David a drink. David was so moved by their willingness to lay down their lives for him that he could not even take the drink given him. These three mighty men of David remind me of three powerful truths for us today.
1. You must know who you are as God's warrior. David's men were completely loyal to David and would do anything for him.
2. To conquer the enemy, you must enter his territory. David's men had the courage to go over to where the stronghold was the toughest and fight.
3. You and God make a majority. David's men knew David and the God he served and they accomplished an impossible task because God went with them into the battle. Three men against the whole Phillistine army!
When it comes to Jesus death and resurrection, we too need to know Jesus is our divine warrior. Jesus overthrew the gates of hell and even conquered death. Jesus knew who he was as God's warrior. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness and said, "If you are the son of God." Jesus knew he was God's son. Jesus entered Satan's domain. His whole ministry was one of casting out demons, healing the sick, and raising the dead back to life. Jesus came not only to seek and to save the lost but also to destroy the works of the Devil. Finally, Jesus conquered the grave. Not even death could hold Jesus back! Jesus died on the cross so that you could meet his Father.
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