"Where in the Bible does it say that?" often gets translated by some biblicists to mean something then must be either wrong, evil, or of the Devil. Where is the historical precedent for that in the Bible? That doesn't fit with my understanding of God's Word so it must be wrong! If Jesus did not fit current expectations of the Messiah, can we be wrong about some of our expectations today of God? If Jesus was viewed as crazy, a false prophet, and against Moses which means against God's Word, could we do the same today with God working in ways that are outside of our current knowledge or experience?
Here would be some ways I'm sure the religious leaders of Jesus day knew that Jesus could not have been from God because he did not fit their understanding of Scripture:
1. Jesus first miracle was to turn water into wine at a wedding party. Does not Proverbs 20:1 teach, "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler? whoever is lead astray by them is not wise."
2. Jesus family thinks he is crazy and he making deals with demons (remember the story of the Gerasenes man?). Where do you even see demons being cast out of people before Jesus came on the scene?
3. Jesus says if we are going to follow him then we must hate our parents. My Bible says honor your parents and love them.
4. Jesus says if we are going to inherit eternal life, we must drink his blood and eat his flesh. No one has ever said such outrageous things before!
5. Jesus said he was going to suffer and die on a cross but every good Jew knows that the Messiah is going to be a reigning King and not a dying criminal!
"Show me that in the Bible!" Where are we told in Scripture to marry a prostitute like Hosea did or walk around naked like Isaiah did? The larger issue is not if there is a historical precedent or it's not in the Bible but is the practice or issue contrary to the Word of God! We certainly need wisdom and discernment on such issues but isn't the underlying issue whether or not something is in clear contradiction to God's Word?
Just asking . . . .
"Where in the Bible does it say that?" often gets translated by some biblicists to mean something then must be either wrong, evil, or of the Devil. Where is the historical precedent for that in the Bible? That doesn't fit with my understanding of God's Word so it must be wrong! If Jesus did not fit current expectations of the Messiah, can we be wrong about some of our expectations today of God? If Jesus was viewed as crazy, a false prophet, and against Moses which means against God's Word, could we do the same today with God working in ways that are outside of our current knowledge or experience?
Here would be some ways I'm sure the religious leaders of Jesus day knew that Jesus could not have been from God because he did not fit their understanding of Scripture:
1. Jesus first miracle was to turn water into wine at a wedding party. Does not Proverbs 20:1 teach, "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler? whoever is lead astray by them is not wise."
2. Jesus family thinks he is crazy and he making deals with demons (remember the story of the Gerasenes man?). Where do you even see demons being cast out of people before Jesus came on the scene?
3. Jesus says if we are going to follow him then we must hate our parents. My Bible says honor your parents and love them.
4. Jesus says if we are going to inherit eternal life, we must drink his blood and eat his flesh. No one has ever said such outrageous things before!
5. Jesus said he was going to suffer and die on a cross but every good Jew knows that the Messiah is going to be a reigning King and not a dying criminal!
"Show me that in the Bible!" Where are we told in Scripture to marry a prostitute like Hosea did or walk around naked like Isaiah did? The larger issue is not if there is a historical precedent or it's not in the Bible but is the practice or issue contrary to the Word of God! We certainly need wisdom and discernment on such issues but isn't the underlying issue whether or not something is in clear contradiction to God's Word?
Just asking . . . .