Remember the story of "The emporer's New Clothes." The moral of the story, don't go naked anywhere, it doesn't look too good! So we are all expert dressers, hiders, and look for ways in which people will never know who we really are or what we are really going through. But in the beginning, it was not so. Adam and Eve were in the garden and they were naked and not ashamed. Can we get back to vulnerbility and sheer naked trust in God?
The answer to shame is grace and the answer to our filthy rags is an uncompromised faith and ruthless trust in God. Trust means we come to God on His terms and not on our terms. Ruthless trust means we willingly surrender everything and become absolutely empty before God Almighty. If Christian discipleship means anything, it means people exposing their weaknesses, telling the hard truth to one another, and becoming completely vulnerable so that God's light and love can truly shine through a life that is empty and transparent before God.
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