Sunday, May 2, 2010

Who Are You Serving

I remember an old Christian song which the lyrics went something like this, "You've got to serve somebody?  It may be the Devil?  It may be God?  But you got to serve somebody?   Who are you serving?  It seems like the church or popular question among Christians is, "Are you saved?"  But don't we get a very different answer if we ask "Who are you serving?"
Jesus said we are to give up EVERYTHING and follow Him (Luke 14:33).  Many Christians want to modify or explain these words away by saying one only has to be 'willing' to give up everything?  Does anyone read "willing" in this passage of Scripture?  On what basis to we dilute Jesus words today?
I am not saying people have to leave their families, quit their jobs, and sell everything they have.  But the issue of depossesion is a real issue that many of Jesus followers and disciples did exactly that.  I remember the Prayer of Jabez led me into jail ministry almost a decade ago.  It changed my life.  I've talked and have walked out with people who have lost everything and some freely give it all away to follow God.  I have a close friend who is starting an intensive discipleship ministry in Salem Indiana for men getting out of jail who are serious about being followers of Jesus.  It's called "The Good Samaritan Inn."  He takes no income and has literally given up everything to serve God in this kingdom ministry.
Living for God should be our all consuming passion, what ultimately governs and controls our life.  To be a disciple of Jesus means to be completely absorbed with Jesus and His mission.
Chris Criminger

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