Sunday, November 26, 2017

A Season of Miracles

Every day is a day to be thankful to God.  Each new season brings new opportunities and challenges.  All I know is right now we are in a season of miracles.  Four weeks ago, we prayed for a man with cancer spreading from his prostrate and now he is completely cancer free.  Three weeks ago, one of our ladies had a vision during communion of a man shooting people in a church.  The whole world read about it the next day in the newspaper which happened in Texas.

I believe this is also a season for the church to be called to corporate prayer.  Last week one of our families lost their only daughter in a tragic car accident.  The miracle of love and forgiveness shown that day was truly miraculous.  Today is not over but I already know there is going to be the miracle of new birth as one of our young ladies is baptized into Christ. Truly we are in a season of miracles for those who have eyes to see.