Our real enemy is not other people but Satan and his demonic cohorts. We need to start thinking of the church as a milatary base to train people in spiritual warfare and not just a hospital ward for sick people. If the church is a hospital, it is battlefield medic center where wounded soldiers are helped to get battle ready for their next mission.
Often the enemy attacks the hardest when we are growing spiritually for God. Where God's work is most evident, it is here the counterattack from the enemy takes place. Satan uses the same old tricks like distraction or false evidence appearing real (fear) or simply getting us to not enter into the fight so that things will go easier or better for us in the present moment.
But if you are going to conquer the enemy, you must enter into his territory. What God wants from each of us is to die to our self-centeredness and walk in God-centeredness where we know and understand both our sinful weaknesses and God's mercy and power for living.
Our real enemy is not other people but Satan and his demonic cohorts. We need to start thinking of the church as a milatary base to train people in spiritual warfare and not just a hospital ward for sick people. If the church is a hospital, it is battlefield medic center where wounded soldiers are helped to get battle ready for their next mission.
Often the enemy attacks the hardest when we are growing spiritually for God. Where God's work is most evident, it is here the counterattack from the enemy takes place. Satan uses the same old tricks like distraction or false evidence appearing real (fear) or simply getting us to not enter into the fight so that things will go easier or better for us in the present moment.
But if you are going to conquer the enemy, you must enter into his territory. What God wants from each of us is to die to our self-centeredness and walk in God-centeredness where we know and understand both our sinful weaknesses and God's mercy and power for living.