Monday, April 23, 2012

Does God Hate Amputees?


Someone asked Dinesh D'Souza during a discussion by an angry atheist, "What does God have against amputees?"  Why doesn't God heal amputees?  The man asking was not missing any limbs and seemed to have a certain glee about asking the question.  Obviously it's questions like these that atheists like to throw at Christians to trip them up.

Of course in responding to the question, someone might also ask, "If a missing limb is evidence that God hates someone, is a beating heart and well-functioning body evidence that God loves them?"  If evil and suffering are evidences against God, shouldn't goodness and blessings count as evidence for God?

If God is the Creator then all of life is a gift.  If some people have more in life than others or live longer, is that a legitimate cause to complain against the Creator?  If God is more generous to someone else, does that take away the life we now posses?  The truth is, after people recover from injuries, their life and sense of happiness is usually like most other people.  We may demand miracles like for missing limbs to grow back but isn't life itself the great miracle?  To still be captured by God's grace, to be filled with awe and child-like wonder, to fear and be full of a sense of God's presence, now that is a beautiful life.  Jesus taught it would be better to go without some body limb and know God for eternity than to spend eternity apart from God with one's body fully in place.

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