Monday, May 24, 2010

Soul Revolution


- Frank Tillapaugh

Our world in changing so fast and many people are struggling to keep up. There are many revolutions going on from the technology revolution and micro chips to the food revolution and better and proper eating habits for a more fit body and life.

One of my friends asked me to listen to him and listen I did for the last two hours. He believes God is prompting him to start a soul revolution. I listened intently as this young minister poured out his heart and vision for what He believes God is calling the churches in our area to reach out to the community abroad.

Every day is a new day and as I look around, as people inside and outside the church are trying to fill their lives with so much 'stuff,' here is a kairos moment, a decisive time to work together as followers of Jesus and share the good news to spiritually hungry people.

I have talked about extreme faith make-over but most of us truly hunger for a God-sized vision and to see a real movement of God among the nations, and not just window dressing for bigger and flashier church buildings.

Here are some questions to ask ourselves which come from Michael Brown's Revolution in the Church (p.17):

1. Will we be revolutionaries for Jesus if it means the loss of titles and pristige and power?

2. Will we be revolutionaries for Jesus if it means the loss of friends and family?

3. Will we be revolutionaries for Jesus if it means the loss of money?

4. Will we be revolutionaries for Jesus if it means misunderstanding and even expulsion?

5. Will we be revolutionaries for Jesus if it means massive personal upheaval?

Will we? Will you?

What are you trying to fill your life up with?

Do you see a soul revolution on the horizon?

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