Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kingdom Economics

I was on a retreat when this first discussion took place about the definition and implications of kingdom economics. I plan on follow up with the group and brainstorm more about this and put it into practice but here are a few questions that come immediately to mind:

1. How do we break out of this consumer materialistic culture?

2. What about everyone having all things in common like some Almish communities or communities like Franciscan Friars? (Catholic community following the way of Francis of Assisi). How does this apply or not apply today?

3. How does kingdom living impact the ecology and being stewards of creation?

4. Are some Christians called to "depossesion" and become free by giving it all away, how does one know?

5. In a global world of poverty, how do we live simply so that others may simply live?

6. How do Christians deal with issues like debt, retirement, and what the Bible teaches on Jubilee? Does Jubiliee still apply today?

7. How does technology subvert the Christian faith or does it?

Comments? Other questions or issues that should be explored?

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