Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Controversy Over Andy Stanley

I have always been a fan of Andy Stanley. I love the way he preaches and teaches. I love his missional heart and trying to do the gospel in new ways for more people to actually hear the gospel in today's world. I find Andy often misquoted, misunderstood, or more acting like Jesus than the gatekeepers of the faith that want to make Andy either look bad or he simply does not follow the conventional wisdom of some church leaders and those in the Christian academy.

So I view Andy as a friend and not a foe. His church reaches more outsiders, even the gay community that says something in our politically polarized world of Christendom. My view is when in doubt, I will give Andy the benefit of the doubt. Just recently there has been a debate about Andy prioritizing unity over truth, at least some politically correct truths. Again, I give Andy the benefit of the doubt and I understand his zeal to reach as many people as he can for the gospel.

After saying all this, Andy's latest controversy was saying the Old Testament is out or really does not apply today for modern believers. I understand where Andy is coming from: He does not like the violent imagery of God in the Old Testament nor the legalistic ways some Christians have either used it as a weapon against others or have abandoned the gospel altogether because they can not reconcile it with the loving self-sacrificing God of the New Testament. I get it. I understand that Jesus sums up the whole law with two commandments and even gives us another harder and impossible one to follow, love everyone like he loves them. The only way to do this is by the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus empowering people with his life giving Spirit to love with God's heart.

Maybe it was semantic confusion on Andy's part but he could have been closer to the truth by saying the old covenant does not apply because Jesus superseded it rather than saying the Old Testament is out.  Andy says the ten commandments are out not because he does not believe in them any more but he believes God calls us to a higher command of loving God and others through the words and witness of his final revelation Jesus. But how do we really understand the newer testament if we cut if off from the older testament? And what about the parts of the newer testament that find their source and meaning within the pages of the older testament?

What about messianic Jewish Christians and how de we even evangelize much less dialogue with orthodox Jews if our view is the Old Testament is out for New Testament Christians? At best, Andy simply falls into linguistic confusion and at worst, he borders on the ancient heresy of Marcion. I wish I could have a sit down talk with Andy because I consider him a brother and a wonderful Christ follower. But I would hope that Andy would not disregard the very Bible that Jesus read and studied as he tries to follow Jesus faithfully in our twenty first century world. When the book of Hebrews says the old covenant is made obsolete, he is not saying that the old covenant is out or worse, the old testament is out. What he is saying is the temple, sacrifices, and system of priests is out because Jesus has fulfilled these in his sacrificial death and resurrection of renewing the old covenant and making all things new.

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