Thursday, May 3, 2018

National Day of Prayer is Today: Pray for the Nations

Pray For The Nations

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"!
Jeremiah 33:3
Precious People of God,
God has called us to be watchmen on the walls. He has anointed many of us to intercede for nations and peoples. As you sow seeds of prayer on behalf of people like you and me across the world, remember that the seeds you sow will bring a bountiful harvest, for your life and for your own nation.
The Spirit is moving all over the world through the lives of people like you and me. God's children have been entrusted with His Word, which only we can release upon the earth to bring redemption, salvation, and healing. In these last days, the people of God are called to rise up and prepare for the powerful end-time anointing God wants to pour out upon His Bride. Let us get ready! Let us pray!
The nations listed below are among many of the world going through turbulent times including persecution. May the Lord lead you as you pray, and may God bless you prayer warriors of the Lord as you lift up these nations in prayer.
Please remember Somalia and Sudan where people are constantly face drought and famine.
Please Remember these nations in need of Jesus and His love:
Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria, Niger
Israel and all the turbulence happening in the nations of the Middle East.
Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Viet Naam, Indonesia, Northern Korea, Myan Mar, China
USA, The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Europe in general
The countries of Eastern Europe and Russia

Pray that human rights violations and persecutions will cease
Pray for political stability and FREEDOM.
Pray for God's hand upon the environment, and the cleansing of the land.
Pray for the Righteous rulership of men and women appointed by God
Pray for the Gospel to go out without hindrance
Pray for missionaries who are working in these areas
Pray for the hearts and minds of people to be turned towards Almighty God and Jesus Christ
Pray for the churches in these nations to rise up in unity and begin to pray in preparation for the return of our Lord Jesus
Pray against the deceptive, counterfeit spirits that come to turn the hearts of people away from the Kingdom of God.
Pray for PEACE, and God's Kingdom to be established and His Will to be done.
Pray also for the many nations and cities across the world struggling to overcome the effects of earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, floods, etc. The earth is groaning for the return of the King (Romans 8:22). "Come Lord Jesus - Maranatha"!
Minoli Haththotuwa. 
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We cannot deny it. Our nation is in trouble and we are facing peril. You can turn on your television or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed right now and see that there is so much violence, corruption, fear and hatred in the hearts of those around us. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble.
In the face of all of this, it’s important that we pray not only for the healing of nation, but also for our president and all those in government leadership who are positions to make change happen. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. This is God’s command to every believer today. Praying for godly leaders is productive towards God’s plan and purpose for our nation. The Bible says the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. He can turn it however he wants, so prayers are important.
Use these eight prayers to pray for our nation an leaders. Pray it in faith, believing and remembering God watches over, loves and protects all:
Heavenly Father, today I pray for our nation. I ask that You would give our President wisdom beyond his own understanding and the courage to choose the right path no matter how narrow the gate. I pray for all in authority over us that You would give them the grace and strength to stand against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently as one would a child. I pray for the spiritual leaders of our country that they would hear Your voice and know your heart. I pray that they would lead from their knees and by that simple grace bring each one of us to our knees before Your throne. Have mercy on our nation Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we pray that our president and leaders will honor You and respect You as the One and only True God. We ask that You give us government leaders who will pray for Your Will and guidance. Lord, we ask that You pour out Your Spirit on this nation to help each of us discern good from evil, not as the eyes of man but through spiritual eyes. Lord, we ask that You humble our hearts so that we will be a nation filled with gratitude and thankfulness. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.


We cannot deny it. Our nation is in trouble and we are facing peril. You can turn on your television or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed right now and see that there is so much violence, corruption, fear and hatred in the hearts of those around us. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble.
In the face of all of this, it’s important that we pray not only for the healing of nation, but also for our president and all those in government leadership who are positions to make change happen. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. This is God’s command to every believer today. Praying for godly leaders is productive towards God’s plan and purpose for our nation. The Bible says the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. He can turn it however he wants, so prayers are important.
Use these eight prayers to pray for our nation an leaders. Pray it in faith, believing and remembering God watches over, loves and protects all:
Heavenly Father, today I pray for our nation. I ask that You would give our President wisdom beyond his own understanding and the courage to choose the right path no matter how narrow the gate. I pray for all in authority over us that You would give them the grace and strength to stand against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently as one would a child. I pray for the spiritual leaders of our country that they would hear Your voice and know your heart. I pray that they would lead from their knees and by that simple grace bring each one of us to our knees before Your throne. Have mercy on our nation Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we pray that our president and leaders will honor You and respect You as the One and only True God. We ask that You give us government leaders who will pray for Your Will and guidance. Lord, we ask that You pour out Your Spirit on this nation to help each of us discern good from evil, not as the eyes of man but through spiritual eyes. Lord, we ask that You humble our hearts so that we will be a nation filled with gratitude and thankfulness. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.


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