Thursday, August 4, 2016

Do We Have to Kill the Messenger?

If one traces the line throughout history of darkness and evil and light and God's kingdom, there is an ongoing clash of kingdoms where darkness tries to extinguish the light if it can to hide its secrets.  Jesus came to planet earth to disarm the principalities and powers and destroy the works of the Devil  To come and seek and save the lost for God's glory and God's kingdom.  The powers of the earth killed the messenger rather than listening to him.

Several powerful movies I have seen or are coming out is "Kill the Messenger" which exposes how the government and big media in the 1990's, rather than listening to small town reporter break a huge newspaper story on how the government was cashing in and selling drugs to America to catch drug dealers on the war on drugs, it killed the messenger instead.

I also saw the powerful movie "Thirteen Hours" which showed a secret CIA operation in Benghazi where they helped save the lives of Americans who were under attack at the embassy.  This investigation has been ongoing but the movie delivered a powerful punch on what it was like during those thirteen hours.  What is now only be recently looked into is why was the CIA group doing there anyway?  WikiLeaks may be suggesting in the near future that they were running guns to Jihadists.

A new movie coming out soon is "Snowden."  Snowden worked for the NSA and leaked damaging information to the media on how the government was willfully and illegally spying on Americans.  Many have tried to portray Snowden as a traitor to our country.  

Jesus was hung on a cross.  The newspaper reporter going against the CIA supposedly committed suicide.  WikiLeaks founder is in hiding at an embassy and Edward Snowden is in exile and hiding from charges of espionage.  The question is do we really want to hear the dark truth about ourselves and our nation?  Will we listen to those who tell us the truth or will we try to silence them and keep killing the messenger?

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