Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything

"Be grateful for your sins, they are carriers of grace"  -  Anthony De Mello

The world has a Jesuit priest for a Pope and some don't know how to handle this man's simplicity and sheer love for the poor while challenging the comfortable and the powerful.  I have started reading James Martin's book and he explains that Jesuit spirituality is defined by Ignatian spirituality.  Here are four defining aspects of this contemplative action spirituality:

1.  Finding God in all things
2.  Contemplation happens through action
3.  One looks at the world incarnationally
4.  One finds freedom through detachment

For the first time in history, many non-Catholic people are beginning to recognize Pope Francis as their pope.  When he stands for certain issues that I find myself opposed to, I recognize for the first time that maybe I am wrong and don't know the bigger picture as this Pope sees things.  Here is a Pope who calls and writes his critics and tells them thank you for showing love in telling him hard things he needs to hear and then he says, "please pray for me."  Here is a Pope on a mission to change not only the Catholic church but the world for Christ.  Gratitude, peace and joy fill my soul today as I think of God who holds all things together, even people who feel like life is falling all apart around them.

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