Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Scandal

"Scandals followed Jesus wherever he went"

It is quite amazing that we have sanitized Jesus life so much that his whole life and death and resurrection seem less embarrassing much less scandalous.  The events around Jesus birth would scandalize conservatives and liberals alike.  Conservative would be scandalized by a baby born out of wedlock and liberals would be scandalized that Jesus was born at all, especially by such nonsense as a virgin birth.  There was the scandal of Jesus bad table manners and overturning tables and driving people out.  There is the scandal of Jesus hanging around the wrong people and supposedly drinking and eating too much to be any kind of a proper man of God. 

Then there was Jesus shameful execution.  Only criminals and frauds end up on crosses.  And then there is the whole embarrassment of the resurrection.  The Jews believed that God could raise a person from the dead but they did not expect the Messiah to be raised.  To be crucified was a sign of illegitimacy and a curse, certainly not a way to receive God's favor.  Besides, the Messiah was to be someone who would be victorious over Israel's enemies and bring in a long awaited vindication of Israel, not a vindication of the Messiah on Israel's and the world's behalf.

Let's face it, scandals are inconvenient truths and we have tamed and sanitized Jesus down so much that scandals have turned into politically correct conveniences for the church.  The scandal of Easter has been lost and we can all sleep better for it.

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