Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ghost Stories for the Christian Soul

Holy Ghost, Batman!

I have never liked ghost stories but I have watched and heard a few. I can't tell you how many credible people have told me some tale of a recently deceased person showing up and offering some kind of comfort to the grieving. I know there are some who count all ghost stories as some kind of last days plot by the Devil. If Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, he certainly can masquerade as a ghost! Christians are called to discernment because there is the real and there is the false. There is the true and there is deception posing as the truth. There are angels and there are demons and it's important we can tell the difference!

I have heard many a ghost story but I do not recall one personally. But the best ghost story of all is this invisible teacher the Bible calls "the Holy Ghost" or "Holy Spirit." I know some people say we should not call God's Spirit a ghost but I doubt there was a dimes worth of difference when the King James Version was first written. Ghosts may come and go but God's Spirit (the Holy Ghost) is here to stay with us forever.

When it comes to following Jesus, if we are not following the Spirit he sent to us then who or what are we following? Coaching, mentoring, disciplers are badly needed in today's world but I would love to hear more people say "The Holy Spirit!" or "Holy Ghost" as the answer to the question "Who Discipled You?"

If anyone wants to read the longest section of Scripture on the Holy Spirit/Ghost, read John chapters 14 thru 16. As I was reading John 14 today prayerfully, here is what God's Spirit impressed upon me. There are three questions asked in the context of how are disciples of Jesus to be different than the world. Here are the three questions:

1. We don't know where Jesus is going or how to follow him (v.5). Sound familiar to people's questions today?

2. I just need to see God and that would be enough (v.8). Jesus shows us the Father and people today are desperately wanting to encounter or know God is some kind of tangible and real way.

3. How is it that some people seem to know, see, feel God and others don't? (v.22). Have you ever asked this question? Is God fair with the many gifts and experiences given to some but not all?

The first question is answered exclusively that the way forward is only through Jesus. The second is asking and passionately seeking God and His ways that it overshadows and destroys us doing things simply by our own way. The last question is answered by those who really love God will obey all that God tells them to do. Maybe the last answer is the toughest of all. For without God teaching us and empowering us, we will not do any of these in the end.

Maybe the answer to more questions than we have given credit to really is the Holy Spirit/Ghost. Now there is a story that may haunt some of us for the rest of our lives!

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