Thursday, September 29, 2016

Unlocking the Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly

A man from a city decides to move to the country and start a chicken farm.  He goes to the local feed store and buys one hundred baby chicks.  A week later he buys two hundred baby chicks.  The third week he buys five hundred baby chicks.  The feed store owner says, “Wow, you must be really doing well.”  The man replies with a sigh, “Not really, I’m either planting them too deep or too far apart.”

Jesus says God’s kingdom is like a farm and unfortunately, the church which represents that farm seems to continue to keep losing ground.  I spoke to a man in the county jail the other day who told me his struggles to listen to the message I gave about God’s kingdom and church because his family were very involved in church and all they did was reject and judge him.

Betting on the Farm

When we look at what is happening in the American church today, we see a growing number of the unchurched, a breakdown of many families, and the rise of atheism in our nation.  There has been a fifty percent growth of atheism in our country in the last fifteen years.  If that was happening in the church, people would be saying this nation was going through a national revival.

If the parable of the soils teaches us that good soil produces a miraculous harvest by the power of God then what does this parable mean concerning the seed of God’s kingdom growing secretly?  Why does God’s kingdom so hidden and Jesus message seem so secretive?  I met a man named Kenny Moore this week who told me this incredible journey he was on with God for the last ten months.  He has been a Christian for many years but its like his relationship with God went into hyper-drive this past year.  God is using Kenny to not only transform his family but the community he lives in.  Despite all the terrible numbers and negative signs of the times we live in, Jesus says the kingdom of God can start like a little mustard seed or with one person who may produce such a supernatural harvest that the positives will way out weigh all the negatives.  Listen to the reading of God’s Word:

And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how.  For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head.  But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts a sickle, because the harvest has come (Mark 4:26-29)

 The Secret Message of God’s Kingdom Coming to Earth

Why is the message that Jesus teaches through the parables so hidden?  Parables are to stretch us and get us to ask more questions.  They get us to search a matter out and wrestle for the answers.  Jesus is never one who gives easy answers or takes short cuts to truth or ever gives five quick and easy steps to find success in life.  What we need to learn is not to listen to parables with our ears but with our hearts.

The seed is hidden under the soil.  God plants His word deep into our hearts.  Truth is often hidden and we have to dig deep and passionately seek after it if we are to really search things out.  Our heart is the place where growth secretly happens.  Pride says I have nothing new to learn.  Humility says, “I don’t understand.  Teach me some more.  Help me to understand.”

Last year I saw the movie “God’s Not Dead” which powerfully portrayed a college student standing up for his faith in a college class whose professor was an outspoken atheist.  Atheists got upset at this movie because they could only see an atheist being presented in a negative light.  Paul says it this way that “knowledge puffs up but love builds up” (1 Corinthians 8:1).  What I have seen in the academy and higher education is whether the teacher is an atheist, agnostic or even a Christian, there have been many teachers who have fallen into the trap of intellectual pride and conceit.  Jesus parables often strike right at the heart of things and goes directly for our hearts.  His parables have a way of exposing our pride and arrogance and forcing us to look deeper at our own attitudes and prejudices.

Jesus parables often surprises us and takes us off guard.  Just like this parable, we can not hold the seed in our hand and expect anything to happen.  Unless we put the seed in the soil (one’s heart) then it will not grow.  When we do that we will see what the power of God does.  Another related teaching of Jesus is the seed must die to self.  John 12:24-25 says,

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.  He who loves his life will lose it, and he who keeps his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Notice the farmer does not go out to the field each day to dig up the seed and see if there is any progress.  Life is in the seed of God’s word that grows quietly, secretly, hidden in your heart.  Within this parable is the pregnant expectation of resurrection.  Death turns into eternal life.  Dying to oneself turns into resurrection new life. 

You need to stop looking at what you are trying to accomplish for God and look to what God is trying to accomplish in you!  

God Delights in Us

God’s dream is to build a home in you!  God’s desire is to plant his Holy spirit in you.  You are the place where God’s dreams come true.  God delights in you and hides his treasure in you.  The mystery of the kingdom is God planted his kingdom on a bare hill called calvary and He also plants his kingdom in you.

The church like the  world wants everything superficially fast when it comes to instant spiritual growth or maturity.  But notice in this parable how God kingdom grows slowly and hidden.  Silent slow growth is the pathway towards deeper spiritual maturity.  This especially happens when we do as the parable suggests and plant and scatter seeds of faith, hope and love to others.  Where we tell our neighbors and co-workers and friends that no matter what they are going through, God’s kingdom grace and power is available for every situation in life.

How To Grow Seeds

      1.     Cultivate a vision of God’s kingdom.  God’s secret kingdom is more powerful and cosmic
               in nature.  God’s beauty, mystery and majesty is so wonderful to behold.

      2.    Patiently listen to God’s word.  God has planted his word deep into your soul and
             just like God patiently waits for the seed of life to grow in us, we also wait
             patiently on the God who waits on us.

  1.  Learn the discipline of silent contemplation of God’s word.  Silent contemplation is where we wait on God and learn to be His ambassadors for His kingdom.
     4.  The secret message of Jesus is God’s kingdom coming to earth.  The church has
          focused so long on heaven as the goal at the end of life without calling people to
          the kingdom now focus of Jesus.  Jesus brings heaven to earth and he wants us to
          be a part of His great mission to bring heaven to every part of the world around

 When we keep the message to ourselves and not share it, we betray the message of God’s kingdom.  When we simply defend the status quo around us and not challenge the ways of the world, we betray Jesus message of the kingdom.  When we get caught up in pursuing money, power and status over others, we betray God’s kingdom message.

 Hiding the Message in New Places

Where have you taken the message of God’s kingdom lately?  Are there new places God is calling you to take his revolutionary kingdom message?  Is the secret message of God’s kingdom getting out in your life?  I spoke about Kenny Moore earlier in how God was producing a greater harvest in his life which is growing in abundance in God’s field of this world.

I am excited about the new mission and season of being a caregiver for my Dad.  I am moving him to an assisted living nearby and I look forward to the many opportunities and ways God takes me to this new field, new work, and  new ministry with my Dad and those who surround his life.  Ephesians 3:20 says it like this:

Now to Him (God) who is doing exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us . . . 

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