Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why are we not scandalized by Jesus today?


Jesus is this radical revolutionary that had everyone talking in his day, especially the way he scandalized most God-fearing folks.  Jesus often said the wrong things, hung around the wrong kind of people, and did things that were at least shocking in his day.  At the end of the day, Jesus said many things that people did not really want to hear.  Why is it that Jesus sounds so polite and respectful and would never harm a fly today? (he must have been vegetarian as well since we know he would certainly not hurt animals).

I am reading two books that are rocking my safe little world for the moment.  One is Dr. David Instone-Brewer book "The Jesus Scandals" and the other is Robin Meyers "The Underground Church: Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus."  Instone Brewer is a Baptist minister who has such a great literary flair to his writing.  He is a researcher and knows how to take dry academic studies and put teeth and bite into them.  Robin Meyers is a self-described liberal preacher but actually cuts through a lot of the conservative-liberal rhetoric and gets straight to the heart of issues better than I have seen in a long time.  Both books encourages people to be radical disciples of Jesus or non-status quo revolutionaries for God.  I dare you to read them.  These books will not let you stay where you are and will challenge you in fresh ways.  Be warned, these books are not for the spiritually timid!

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